I love this signature because Slipknot is in it: Comments only Constructive Criticism not wanted for this signature, I only used like 3 layers so yeah, I just love this band so much, omfg. Yeah yeah yeah I am obsessed, but heck, who cares?!
Hey sorry for double posting but I am just bumping the thread to see if anyone will look at this, PLEASE GUYS COMMENTS!
well looks great I think I have listened to some of thier stuff... I like them ok(I asked my brother about them) but there a little screamy for my liking have you ever listened to breaking bejamin
Yeah Breaking Benjamin is raw but not my type, I am full out metal head ^_^. Breaking Benjamin has a cool song with a really dirty title... I think its called "Blow me Away" its a good song (LOLOL FUNNY TITLE).
I only know them cause of that song wings of a butterfly or somthin like that I usually don't know what I'm listening to in the car...
Ah I see, well in the car I usually just bring my MP3 or something....and BLAST SLIPKNOT **** YEAH! Icecikle you know you quote the most ever right?
Ah I see, I don't quote because I like confusing people... lol. Actually not quoting people is like yelling across the room... im going to play XBL add me if u go on, my tag is my username.
I personally, like bands such as Scars on Broadway, Sixx:AM, and Jet Black Stare. And, to be on-topic. I dont like it very much. At least add a normal border.