Looks good, i really like the colors and the blending, but i don't like the pencil tool on the left... or whatever that little line is
the little white line on the left... i ddnt say it was a penicl tool for sure. But yeah it looks out of place... idk
He is talking about the white line things they look out of place, I dislike you style personally mostly blurry background with smudging. I like a more in your face style design but that is just me.
wow i hate that most people don't recognize you for what you are. which is probably one of, if not the best graphic artists on our site. this is simply marvelous. love the colors and smudges and the background is really quite nice. and btw he's talking about the white that outlines the background smudges.
The white line doesn't exactly looks out of place, just a bit, well, random. The sig itself looks very cool though!
I think the white line is cool. But a bit random though. But the sig is awesome, so are you! Hey can you post some links to where you got all the sprites and plug-in's? Thnx.
Amazing blending and colors in this one LOCK. But the white splatter outlines really dont work with it. They would look better in a brownish color.
the white lines you drew in irritate me(mainly the one on the left), but I like it as a whole. Except that the Scar sucks ass.
i made this sig with just plain gimp, i downloaded it on my dads laptop, and just made this using just good ol gimp, no plugins
Nice siggy, text is looking great as usual, the render is nice and sharp (YEUSSSS FOR SHARP RENDER WOOOOOT)... Not much for me to say...
Well, take out the white lines and your golden. make them match the sig. brown or black or even orange.
definetely one of my faves......plz plz plz make a tut on how you did this, as i am learning every day!