BATTEN DOWN THE HATCHES! SAVE YOURSELVES! ________________________________________________ On a more serious note, I have noticed that Forge Hub is getting features from Facebook... like... The "is '[insert mood here, etc.]'" deal Customizable profiles Visitor Messages (old feature) (Facebook's Wall replica) Groups (old feature) :haha: If we want to escape from this life-draining Facebook vortex, we should try to be more innovative with Profile and Site features. We need to think of something so awesome, that Facebook would be jealous! Yeh... I know that this should prolly be a Blog or a 'Suggestion' in Customer Service. If you gonna delete, lemme Copy & Paste into blog entry. :lol: BTW, Monitor smilies OWN! mg: ____________________________________________ Peace, Metroshell
No, I don't agree. We don't really need to do anything like that, and I can't see this becoming Facebook anytime soon. Customizable profiles? That's all fine and well, but it's still just a user profile with fancy features. The rest of your points are kind of baseless since many forums have the same thing, but in mildly different flavors. Custom titles instead of a "is something", Group threads instead of a full-blown group feature, and visitors... Guests... Whatever. Lots of places have the option to do things anonymously. There you go.
Alright, this is just a poorly posted point. First off, why Facebook?! Honestly I am sick of the word. Why not Myspace as well? The two are almost identical. Now, onto your points. Alright, please, why does this 1 option make Forgehub seem like it is taking a downhill turn toward "Facebook" status? Myspace, Facebook, forums in general, AIM, MSN, etc. all have a form of "user status". Again, many places have customizeable option, however, forum profile customization is almost nothing like Facebook, or Myspace, besides the ability to change colors. You cannot hide comments, create custome tables, add images unless a mod +, add videos, descriptions, HTML code, etc. Seriously? Profile messages and Private Messages are a custom of forums. I have been on many forums of my time, and they all have the same or similar message setup. Now, I hardly even knew there was a group feature until not too long ago. And really, it has about as much impact as it does on Facebook or Myspace, absolutely none. Bragging rights, that's about it. However, FH uses its groups for Friday Night Fight, so, they are actually worth something. Alright, I am getting a headache trying to make sense of something... Is this supposed to be serious? Well, it IS in general chat, so it must be? But then again, it is a pointless rant that is just in some regards idiotic (Smiliies do not own when used so damn much). So, wouldn't this belong in Off Topic, where attempted comedic rants with no point go? That out of the way... You made the point of saying why FH is turning into "Facebook". So? Who cares, cause is that a bad thing. You really didn't scare me into wanting to help FH out of this canyon of doom it is slipping into. No, Facebook/Myspace is a community. FH is a community. Communities are made of people who socialize. People who socialize, talk, and have friends. Friends like to talk only to their friends at times, not having a conversation between two interupting the conversations of a group of people. I really do not see an issue here. And is FH not unique enough? It besides being a community, which many sites on the internet are, it has nothing in common with Facebook/Myspace. We are a Halo Community, who make and share forge maps, meet friends, and play xbox live together. So yes, put this in your blog or something, unless you make some real points. And with all this said, I leave you with Because that picture is as relevant to this discussion as your points are to your argument.
Other than the fact that this is about Halo Forge right? I mean yeah we're a tight community, but its based around Forge. not finding attractive females in your area on the internet and later finding out that it was your dad
I cant wait till profile songs are added, then ill be sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. The best thing about web 2.0 sites, are features like this. Its not a bad thing its a revolution. Gb/2 your poorly coded html websites that have an endless arry of table tags.
My arguments were basically a joke. But I can see Facebook shining through our beloved FH one way or another. Your inner consciousness agrees with me.
Does it matter? I don't agree. I think it's actually better to just have some more features, deleting them would make a less "jealousy factor" for ForgeHub. And we're never gonna stop posting maps so what;s the big deal? It's just the community that is growing.
This post is a perfect example of what is so ****ing stupid about this forum. You basically just typed a short essay in response to a simple comment that FH is becoming like Facebook. What the **** is wrong with you. Oh, and dont forget everyone- always insert random funny picture at the end of post! ****ing typical. Yawn. In response to the OP, yes it is gay that we're becoming like this but honestly who cares. If you dont like the features, dont use them.
Penguin, you can add a song. Go to User CP, then media, then add a yotube link. Just pick a song. We The kings FTW.
I disagree, I mean I understand your point, I realise what you say, but come on what's wrong with having your own profile customisable? Or having comments being left on your profile?
I really see what your getting at but i don't think it'll turn into facebook . I mean the site is based on forge maps after all ..
I'm not bothered, so what if it looks like Facebook (Which it does not). Without the features this website would be BORING! I'm glad I can do these little extra things, instead of just posting, and posting.
These features make the site cooler, more unique than other forums. That's what I like about this here place.
OK Forgehub>Myspace>McCain>Facebook And I hate McCain ROFL Personally I don't think Forgehub is anything like Facebook at all. Just because we have similar options doesn't mean that we are just like them. Plenty of other sites have similar options.