An actual ghost in halo 3?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Amatocianmonk, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Amatocianmonk

    Amatocianmonk Ancient
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    That is pretty cool lol
    I wish bungie would just explain all of them. Its pretty annoying when they refuse to explain stuff that is as small as grenades spawning.
    Most companies would say, "Yeah, we're glad you found that, its a little easter egg we put in". But bungie.... silent... =\
  2. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    *tries not to rofl*

    Sorry, but that sounds very silly, I understand what you mean now, but it took me a while to work it out. lulz.
  3. criggs3c

    criggs3c Ancient
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    thats not a ghost my friend, that always happens, its to stop you going out the map. this ghost thing has happened to me before, but instead i had a tank spawn above me. ouch
  4. maddflash

    maddflash Ancient
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    I remember vaguely reading this somewhere so dont shoot me if Im wrong but:

    Did you know that SOME of the super bounces were put in on purpose to give bungie an advantage when playing online?
  5. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Um I think some of these things may come from little Forge glitches with character animation...

    For example if you hit the Grenade button then turn into the Monitor before the grenade is actually thrown, when you turn back into a Player the grenade will fly out of your body as if you just threw it (but no animation).

    The same could be said about the bubble shields although I have never tried it myself.

    Chances are if you wait long enough in Monitor, the game will get fed up and just spawn the active grenade/bubble shield instead of holding its data (slowing down the game by taking up memory).

    I'm just guessing though, I could be completely wrong... That's just what I have observed.
  6. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Jebus has a very very good point...
  7. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    throwing grenades at mancannons the editing the grenades (spawn or delete some) can cause this to happen sometimes. Its a lag related glitch and don't think it happens on local.
  8. Warnek

    Warnek Ancient
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    I tried this in forge and it worked, I threw a grenade and went into Monitor mode and about one minute later I hear an explosion. It also worked with a bubble shield and every other equipment. Though I doubt that everyone who has experienced a "ghost" did this every time that it happened to them.
  9. Monsta Masha

    Monsta Masha Ancient
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    This happened to my friend while he was round at my house. We were building bases, and he walked onto his base, a something, not me, threw a plasma grenade right next to him! And we know that it wasn't him because it came from the right of him!
  10. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    why do people get so obsessive about this?

    its just glitches. on bungie there was this guy that made a thread and was like "this is my ghost hunting blog" and he spent hours on sandtrap and other maps "ghost hunting". seriously its just all glitches. and even if it isn't, bungie wouldnt tell us, so don't give them the satisfaction of having another person wondering in vain. just forget about it.
  11. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    I remember me and my friend where trying to get out of the map on sandtrap ( a long long time ago )
    And right in the middle of the map, as high as you can go, a mongoose spawned in midair fell to the ground and blew up.
    One of us saw it and we went tos ee, and the mongoose was destroyed on the floor, then a few minutes later, we noticed a turret, floating exactly (well we think) were the mongoose spawned. This turret you could get on and fire but could not delete.
    Strange MUCH?
  12. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Maybe it was a Turret your friend had spawned and set on, Place At Start? No.
    Then strangely objects you have not set to spawn on start can't be deleted...
  13. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I don't think the glitch is caused by online lag seeing as I've had grenades and power drains flying out of nowhere while I was forging offline.
  14. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I remember playing on the pit, ( by my self ) I heard a turret? And ran over to them and noone was there
  15. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Thatr happens to me, but instead of spawning stuff delees or ungeomergeds, and it pisses me off, like you can understand. I make curved maps, so it has to be perfect, ill finish the circle and one of the double boxes will be uninterlocked, and it sucks because it takes forever, plsus something will ungeomerge, and it will upset me, and usually ill end forge and give up on the map for a while.

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