For Far Cry you need alot of creativity to make a map. There will be lots of the same map and thats why you will have to use your creativity to come up with something tottaly original.
I have a strong feeling if far cry 2 lives up to its word and becomes a marvel of map making then it will take most halo 3 forgers. I myself am excited and can't wait for far cry 2, If far cry 2 becomes a game that lives up to what is expected then I will be playing it more often then halo 3.
I think the same thing will happen as what did for all the other games COD4 and halo rule, another game comes out, people buy it, it gets old, COD$ and halo rule again
The problem with that theory is that halo 3 and cod 4 are a year old now. The new games are rising up for 2008, gears of war 2 will be a big hit along with all the other new games. Cod4 and Halo 3 won the battle against GTA and Rainbow veags, but will it still be able to defeat the new games.
Well i am most prob going to get Farcry2 but i will be playing halo loads still .. All i do on xbox now is halo matchmaking! I'm addicted to it like all my friends list is addicted to Call of Duty .. So hopefully halo won't be dead otherwise i wont be able to play matchmaking .. I think the forge maps on halo will decrease because of how epic the farcry 2 map creator is ..
What's stopping players from having FC2 and Halo 3? Say I bought FC2. I still can play H3. I'm not steadily loyal to a single game, you know, and I'm sure others share my opinion.
It may be compared to what I saw, but I will be playing HALO3 YAYz. Even if I did buy it, I would still play Halo a little.
People nowadays think everything can kill Halo 3. They usually say something will kill it because they just want to see it die. Alot of things put togeather will kill Halo3. Fable2 will cause about 80% of my friends list to leave halo. Gears of War 2 will take people off of it for months (and far longer if it has a forge of it's own, which I doubt it ever will). Halo Wars, Red Alert 3, Left 4 Dead, Borderlands, Tiberium, Guitar Hero 4, Rock Band 2, Starcraft 2, The Force Unleashed, and a shitload more will definately end up burying Halo3 six feet under. And It is even more likely to die if any good game has it's own version of forge. I myself like easier forges, I HATE the massive amounts of time forge devours! I love forge, but it's just so damn hard to use! It Is worth the hassle, just barely. I would forge ALOT more if it was easier. (wouldn't everyone) Still, simple or not, any forge that is easier than halo's will sound more appealing. Still, Far Cry 2 will not have everything that halo has. And that is why it takes more than just Far Cry to kill Halo 3. I still know Halo 3 will die, the number of awesome games coming within the next 5 months will be overwhelming for people who want something new on the 360, I myself have not played any new xbox games since Halo 3 came out (as many others have). So, no, Far Cry 2 will not be the only thing killing Halo 3. Besides, People will still play halo 3, just not as many. I still will, just far less.
Hellz no. We might lose a few, but Halo's multiplayer is like 10x better than far cry. Not to say that I am not excited about far cry.
I've been playing Far Cry: Instincts Predator for the past couple days, and I must say I haven't even thought about playing Halo...
I will be getting Far Cry 2 but that does'nt mean that I will stop playing halo 3 and do the forge techniques in far cry, If I come to a certain part in far cry, (In the campaign) And I can't get past it, Then I will probably play halo.
The editor in fc2 is much more advance and with less limitations. There will be many lost to fc2 but many would switch between them or even just stick to halo3.
No one knows exactly how FarCry Editor will end up. And let's consider this... Halo 3 is coming our with a Map/Item Editor, it could be a map editor and this would take away players or from FarCry. Not only that but FarCry is coming out along with Spore, not the same date but really close, and like I stated earlier, no one knows how the map editor would end up coming out. To add more, what about the little kids, look at the crappy maps 10 year old make for Halo, imagine FarCry, same issues will arise.
far cry 2 has better easier forging then halo 3 but i think the games wouldn't be that fun as halo 3s custom game
So what if it is easy. Ever played a PC game with a map editor, I see some of the crappiest maps on that, and the map editor is incredibly easy. All I expect to see are four cornered maps, or single path maps, and even camping maps
No, after the big let down in the first Far Cry, it will receive so fewer attention then Halo 3. Halo 3 is far more inventive too, and if it were to fall for anything it would be GoW2, or it's own game.
Yes and no... The forge in Halo will die a lot but I don't know about the matchmaking and the custom games.... Since the multiplayer in Halo is superb, I doubt it will lose much there
I completely agree when i first saw this i thought it was cool but just because you click and drag a forest doesn't mean you made every tree. I think we may lose some halo players but if your any good at forging why would you make maps anyone can make other than make original ones. Besides i think actually playing halo is more fun than farcry