yep so what yes you did send me a friend request.... Please no I already have one... Lucky I started 2 weeks ago. I will proly get out next week for the hurricane though(I live in Mississippi) No your not... I can't believe you believed him wow...I thought I was dumb... woo I'm a freshman this year... from one how already went through it know your classes... Or just don't do it... yeah... Wow I cant believe you didn't know I was a girl...and that you haven't started school man I have like six gigantic books and since I'm in two advance classes(Algebra II and Biology)I have like really hard teachers. You didn't know I was a girl lololololol
this has got to be the most off topic graphics and arts thread I've ever seen and yes it is epic. all because I used blue type.
but i like remix it into orange w/e back on topic (epic btw) you need to (epic....did i say that yet?) and need around with the topaz filter *cough* *cough* something secret *cough* *cough* (epiczorz btways) w/e icecikle did u see my thread?
u haz seen my thread, i presume? yo lockdownn, add like a darker filter, to make the depth in the sharpened one more....depth?
Sorry, but its pretty boring. Maybe something more recognizable as a nuclear explosion. Currently, it only looks like a glare.
hahaha! yeah I was on when you made that thread.... anyway I would agree with you maybe just a darker filter would make it look better either way it still looks great.
same thing as on here although I haven't been online in a while and well I kinda suck at most stuff except for swat...oh and I'm a cap.grade 3 but who really cares.
I am a Col.Gr2 but I suck at Halo all I do good is zombie matches and custom games and some ranked if I am trying or if I am not half asleep.
yeah I usually just mess around in like nonranked game or in mlg cause I'm a three in that and other threes and fours take it to seriously and I pick on them its really funny especially when you intentionaly loose a game. but anyway no more offtopic or at least not toooo much of it.
Its kinda impossible to go back on topic, I think we should keep this rolling for the rest of the week LOL. Technically it isn't spam, we are replying to everything, and it was started by a topic about graphics and its in the graphics thread. Lol you spelt losing wrong lololol.