
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mr Pokephile, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. chavet

    chavet Ancient

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    Ya that was fun testing!!! I love the Map!!! 5/5 Good job great forging. I like how the map flows!!!
  2. axisomni

    axisomni Ancient
    Senior Member

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    look good and really clean, gameplay looks good 5/5 might dl if i have room
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    K awesome map it rocks my socks. However, I don't see many CTF shots. You should definitely get a bigger party next time when you takes screens to capture mayhem. Very well constructed though.
  4. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    INsane lookin, i will eat this with winsauce when i get back on the old box'
    great layout and knowing your maps it playes extreemly well
    it does look a little hurried and sloppie in some parts, which intreagues me cuz more more recent maps have been imaculate ;P
  5. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Testing this map out was really fun, even before you updated the final version of the spawns. The weapons are very balanced out and make the game play flow very well. The interlocking is flawless and there are some great new aesthetic ideas in this map. Such as, the bent corner bridge jump-up, the boundary fence wall, and many more. 4/5. Good job Blood.
  6. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Wow, Helluva job interlocking their, it looks like you spent a lot of time making it neat and clean. It looked like a real interesting map that is complex enough and large enough so the game play will not get repetitive. Well done, Bravo!

  7. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    Omg blood everytime you Make a map it lights up the forums even tho i didnt get a chance to test botanica i had the privilege of seeing this in the making and i could say it looked like one of you bests. from ramparts to purple bunker this is another masterpeice sure to get featured and i could teel how much you have worked on it telling from when i saw it. by looking at the pictures i can see the different levels you used and incorporated in yur map making it not such a simple map with only 2 even levels of lines of sight it looks strategic and a great new map with a different play style. im glad you took a different aproach from you a symetrical gametypes and map a one flag variant and i once i play this i know its gonna blow me away even more then i describe it. awsome map and a great post. your a Expert at forging. this is definately the highlight of the month for this forum.
  8. H@lo Cr@zy

    H@lo Cr@zy Ancient
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    Just to make sure did you think the recon in the pics would get you downloads
  9. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    uuu yes obviously what else is reconz for!!!
  10. Irc WindDragon

    Irc WindDragon Ancient
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    Another amazing map by Bl00d F1r3 :) I like the names of your maps I got to say. By the sounds of them, you must play WoW, am I right? Anyways, the interlocking is just fascinating. 5/5
  11. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    as soon as you play with more than 6-7 players it gets to busy it has very nice gameplay and its very useful for the smaller parties
  12. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    What's with the Reconz?

    This map is awesome, the layout is great and well, this looks like the best Assymetric map on ForgeHub!
    Interlocking is very neat and those two Bridges look like you spend very much time on making some extra unique Aesthetic features.
    Same for the Interlocking.

    Very well done!
  13. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    AoE the adds! NO the boss is immune ahhhh

    I hated Bot =(
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    okaaay, so I've dl'd and had my forgethrough + customs and here's my breakdown of Botanica.
    It’s a bittersweet map; there are some excellent features and some not so excellent.

    I didn’t get to play one flag on it and I will try to when I can. What I mainly played was FFA.

    Now a lot of the aesthetics in this map are great; they live up to your previous works. Although I felt some areas were put there simply to occupy space. Like the Staircase structure near the sniper. I feel that's a very poor structure, very unoriginal and unaffecting. With just two staircases I feel that you could've easily made a much more unique structure.

    The name Botanica doesn’t appeal to me, that's probably because that there is a garden with a similar name where I live. Either way, the name, to me, sounds very bland. That's just my opinion, no need to take that part seriously. The name lacks that certain oomph that a lot of great maps have. TBH what got me to open this thread was because of your name underneath it.

    As a Premium a certain quality, dare I say, is expected of you. It is my opinion that this isn’t your best map, that isn’t to say that it’s terrible and that you should throw yourself into a landfill in the New Mexican desert. It is a very nice map with many nice features. The use of fence walls was great. It really was. That's some quality forging with the fence walls in the ground ever so minutely. Also, nice placement of moveable objects. They really add to the map's class, and functionality but maybe a few too many dumpsters.

    Sometimes it’s the little things that cause people's jaws to drop and to talk into their ass about how good it is. There are several spots that were excellent and a few that IMO needed pointless aesthetic touches. Such as just pushing a weapon holder into a box or making something the absolute same height as the object next to it. Or much more importantly, pushing the boxes/walls/etc. that tiny bit into the geometry or following object to avoid disappearing nades. All of the boxes along the back wall(closest to the Foundry bases) allow nades to go down the side, as far as competitive gameplay goes that is very bad.

    Gameplay was nice, no massive issues there. Except for some spawn killing although that would've been because of the party size. When the party was shortened it played much better. One thing I noticed was that the entire edge near the foundry windows was very bland and open. Also perhaps one of the needlers(the one with the 30 second respawn) is a bit too close to the power weapon of the map; the sniper.

    Another structure that I found very awkward was the purple X thing. I feel like its just occupying space as just an aesthetic structure as it’s awkward for moving around and jumping on and around. yes it was made very well and was nice on the eyes but I felt it didn’t serve much of a purpose.

    The sniper spawn I can describe with one word: Sexy

    The use of fusion coils confuses me. I do really like the raining one, that helps give this map a certain feel and theme. But other than that one there are only two lonely fusion coils partnered next to each other.

    Last thing I'll say is about the blocking off. Not to sound cruel or mean but the walls, they're all off set from one and other. Seeing as how you only used one door I think it was silly of you to remove the other 5, doors can be one of the most useful tools to a forger.

    Well, that's my dissection of Botanica. I know I discussed a lot of negatives but I do think that there are a lot of positive features too; like the idea, the layout, the weapon placement, spawns, a lot of the forging. But those little things snowballed.

    But in all honestly it’s another very nice map Bl00d, I just feel certain aspects could've been executed much better.
    Mr Pokephile and Phreakie like this.
  15. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Because its not a MLG map. This is the competitive map section...

    I would but i highly doubt that forgehub will resive a playlist. and the hole unlimited budget gives you lag thing, i don't think its ture, Thanks though :D !

    haha thanks :)

    Riley riley riley. We should finish our map then it will be the highlight of the mounth. And schools comming! Ill see you there.

    Of corse. No. Seriously this is jsut spawm...

    lol good to see somone eles who knows where the name is from :p

    Nice comment. Theese are the ones that people should make. Very nice, + rep if i don't need to spread.
  16. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    another awesome map by blood fire. the video was very helpful and always is although for this map in particular i have seen by one of my fh friends. on with the map, the asthetics blew my pants off revealing my polka dotted underwear, the gameplay is awesomeness in a box although i didn't get a chance to play 1 flag and the next time i get a party together ill be sure to do that. Keep up the forgitude.
  17. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    I saw this on Youtube! I was blown away when I saw it, the map looks alot different then the traditional maps I am used to, 5/5, keep on forging :)
  18. Irc WindDragon

    Irc WindDragon Ancient
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    Fbu, I agree haha. I hate Bot... always have, and always will. But this Bot, is simply amazing :) Sure Linu gave a review of the ups and downs of this map, but not everybody is Linu. So I have to still say that this map is outstanding.
  19. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Nice map Bl00D F1RE. I also saw you video and the gameplay looks fun. Good job.
  20. Stealthyhawk14

    Stealthyhawk14 Ancient
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    wow great map
    nice and neat and looks rly fun
    ill dl it

    this deserves a feature 5/5

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