What is so confusing! The links to all three maps are at the top of the thread. The main thread is about Shihuruville P3. I just added the other 2 Shihuruville maps and called it a map pack...
Lol, how could you forget about your own friend! If i were you eagle, i'll beat him up...Just kidding...
Lol, who wouldn't do that...If anybody has notice my rep is being attacked by a squirrel. So if you can kindly help me help, that'll be great...
all I can say is amazing, i like the idea of the abandoned military base for humans and an old texaco station for the infected, very very nice job!
Lol, its Traxus Co. And its a Lab. Thx Im aways glad to hear that people likes my maps. It makes me feel good.... 0_o
I get asked that a lot. The idea came from this map i've seen on B.net. This guy made an ifection map in foundry that was like a small country town infected by zombies. I thought that that was really interesting and unique! Humans at a fair disadvantage, running away in fear, trying to survive, utilizing the environment around them to take out the zombies, very interesting! I forget the name, but it inspired me to make a map like it, and thus Shihuruville was born. The first Shihuruville was experimental, but it was very popular in my custom games. So I decided to make Shihuruville like a horror movie, and forged 2 more parts. Shihuruville P2 and P3. P2 being my favourite, on the count that it was my first time using a budget glitch map and interlocking tricks. To say the least, it came out very well. Some people may not like the Shihuruville maps, but at least i know other people who enjoys playing infection, loves to play Shihuruville!
Wow, i didn't think some people actually build their maps from conscepts, i thought they build them just to build them, makes forging more than what it seems, interesting... I like the idea of shihuruville.
Well, yeah. People just say, "hey, i going to make a map. I don't know what its going to look like, but im going to make it? Nope, there has to be brainstorming involved, or if you did just pop up with a random idea, a good forge will play around with the idea first. You know, experimenting.
Wow, all that inspiration from one map, lol. I thought you gather it from a bunch of different maps. But its not to see you do appreciate other people maps, as well as your own too.
I know, i mostly get ideas from other maps. I like to expand on their concepts. I do it alot in Farcry, i don't do it as much in Halo though...
Lol its not really a "destruction map." Its a normal infection map that plays like a horror movie almost. you know, limited ammo, high adrenaline, crazy zombies popping out of no where, that kind of horroor movie...
Lol destruction map, thats funny. I really didn't see anything desctructive in this map escept for the truck full of fusion coils...