This is an good scarab, not the best, not the worst, It looks really Aestetic (Spelling) But you could have made it for One flag and one Bomb, Or was there no more money? If there was none left then I can understand BUT if the money glitch was on, you could have made an attckers base and stuff. Since that people have done this again and again, No download from me, 3.5/5
I don't take it blows up when you destroy the grav lift, LOL. Love it though that is almost a perfect remake.
i wanted to make it a switch but i couldnt figure out how to do it with a switch. im uesless wen it comes to switches
It looks a little sloppy, you need to clean it up a bit, otherwise, its a great idea and design, but its been done alot. Aesthetic Classic
lol yes, an aesthetic classic. i would do it on a FUMGC but i always manage to delete something that i needed n not being able to spawn it again. sumtiems wen u pick something up and theres another item behind it and the u wanna delete the item u picked up u press Y to delete and it deletes the item under it. thats why im not good with FUMGC it always does that to me
yeah i try to make em better each time, but better requires more space and as u can see ive reached the limits on space. i want a larger outdoor foundry
Have you ever tried putting a grav lift facing the wall that you can punch to simulate the part where the energy shields are(the core or w/e)?
its funny you asked that. The fusion coils are actually inside where you would punch the scarab to blow it up and if i have a grav lift on that wall pushing against the fusion coils it would make them move around and what not. Also teh chanber where i have the fusion coils placed is surrounded by dumpsters because i ran out of items to make the walls immovable. the grav lift facing that wall would knock around hte dumpsters. When sandbox comes out me and my friend are going to make a scarab on it or two if permitable and maybe even a phantom/ spirit once again if theirs enough money and items. @chaoticf34r, your right, the download link seems to have disapeared. This is an old post so maybe bungie took the thread off the forum for space? Ill go fix it. FOUND THE DL LINK, IT DISAPEARED AGAIN WITH THE NEW SITE UPDATES ON BUNGIE. Halo 3 File Details