OCT 21, 2008. The release date for the greatest game of '08. Fable 2! Thats right Fable 2. That game is going to kick some much @$$. I just can't wait. They gave of a crappy mini-game that is so easy to cheat on. I got about 450,000 gold in like 2 days just using the exploitation in Fortune tower. Im going to be rich during my first second playing the game, lol. Lionhead could at least let us play a demo with just us walking near a house, but im not going to complain, they are making the greatest game ever. If you don't think its the greatest game ever, post your reason why here! UPDATE: Houses I was just watching some GDC footage of Fable 2, and i've found out that any house you want to buy is completely available, i've heard you can buy caves and other structures to live in too(Rumor). In Fable you where able to furnish a house, but i've heard that you completly customize a house furnishings yourself, the way you want it!(Rumor). UPDATE 2: Price Drop and Reduced Value I assume everyone here knows that the price for the special edition Fable ll game has be lowered. Reason because they have taken out some of the things they promised within this collection, like the limited editon Hobbe keychain, the silver Fable ll case, Fable ll cards, etc. At least will still can kepp the Master Chief and Energy Sword that comes with the Special edition game! UPDATE 3: Fable ll puppet theater (10/21/08) Here's a neat little video i found at xbox.com Spoiler YouTube - Fable 2 GDC 2008 [1] Spoiler YouTube - Fable 2 GDC 2008 [2] YouTube - Fable 2 GDC 2008 [3]
Again!?! What do you mean again? The first Fable was really good. I really enjoyed it. I don't think i ever got bored of playing it. I actually replayed and beat the game like 5x already, in like 2 weeks. I also thought the story was kinda good too. P.S. I still don't know what the story is in Fable 2. I seen videos on Xbox.com and thought because this man throw you out of a window, you want to get revenge, lol. But thats silly, if anybody knows, please fill me in.
So true. There just wasn't enough of it and the size of the world left alot to be desired. But what they did include, they did really well. Graphics, plot, playability and general fun factor were great, but it felt a little incomplete. Still, I loved the game and its one that I find myself going back to quite often. I'd agree that they really need to avoid that with Fable 2, especially considering all the hype, and deliver a game that excels in all areas that it goes for. This is just my impression so far, but I think that they will. Its been a long time coming, but I think that it will be worth the wait (even though the constant push-backs did annoy me). The fact that they were so determined to get the game right before release, even at the cost of pushing back release multiple times, reassures me. Things like the addition of the dog and how much it delayed release seem like proof that they are determined to deliver a truly finished game this time round, and there's no way that I won't buy the game. Quite simply, I can't wait.
To really earn a lot of money from this trick you will need to unlock the Fortune towers game that allows you to bet 1500 gold. The trick is really simple, in any Fortune towers game place the lowest bet you can, i.e 150, once you place your lowest bet, deal the cards, as soon as you deal the cards, just tap the LB a couple of times until you see your bet change from 150 to 1500. Now the game will think you betted 1500 gold when you really only betted 150 gold. Doing this will allow you to earn the winnings of an 1500 bet. This will kinda suck, because you will be Rich! I've seen players with like a million or 6 million, one of those numbers. Its recommended that you do the trick with the last Fortune Tower game unlocked, but you can also use this trick on lower leveled Fortune Tower games. This trick is very useful for gaining gold and points. I went from a 1 star gambler to a 5 stat in one night! I also went from having 600 gold to 450,000 in only 2 days!
You can always find a way to cheat a game. Thats going to suck big time. You're able to by anything in the game if you can use that trick like that, and it so easy to use too! But my idea is build 2 characters, 1 with all the gold from the pub games, and 1 starting out defaultly.
Yeah i had the same idea too. But im stuck i really want a female character to be my main using the pub games gold, but i also want to use a male as a main too!
the game is going to be amazing. except for the guns. that might ruin some of it. other than that im hoping its better than the original
Not actually, I think the guns is kinda cool. They bland in very well in the game, so far. I mean Fable 2 takes place 500 years after the events in the first one, so i believe the people of Albion should have invented some new weapons. Its not like the pistol in Fable 2 is an M16.
That game was amazing, and even my dad beat it haha, or not really beat, but pretty much dominated A fun thing to do is steal from the stores lol then sell it right back
I like using the powerful sword (you know, the one where you have to kille teresa to get) and Destroying the entire town of oakville. Watching all the houses and stores go up for sale was funny.
I'm really, really looking forward to Fable 2. After hearing so much about the original Fable I ended up thinking it wasn't quite all it was cracked up to be, and went away feeling a bit let down. Fable 2 seems to be much improved though, and in some ways more suited to my tastes. I love games that let you change the world as a consequence of your decisions, and I love games that make you "feel" which seems to be what Peter Molyneux is aspiring to achieve with this game. Oddly enough it wasn't any of the trailers or articles that grabbed my attention, but a 30 miniute developer "show off" session in which Molyneux showcased the "feelings" part of the game. After that, I was hooked.
This game looks so amazing! This is the most excited I've been about a game in a long time. I can't wait to get a virtual wife and verbally and physically abuse her =D! It seems like they had the right idea with what we wanted to see by focusing on freedom, and I just cannot wait to play this game!!
Nobody is more excited than me. When it comes out, im going to buy the limited edition. I was trying to get the special Fable 2 xbox signed by peter molynuex, but that one seems a little hard to get, on the count you had to enter in a sweepstakes to get. I don't trust sweepstakes or instant win games.
My cousin is more excited trust me. He's only getting a xbox when it comes out. It's the only game he talks in high regard to lol.
I want to kill my friends husbands or wives when we play co-op. Then i'll just be like lolololololololololloolllolololololololololoolllol.