What's goin' on, my dawgs? I'm having a custom signature event for you guys. All the sigs are photoshopped by me. Here's what you need to tell me: 1. Gamertag(or other name you want) 2. Any sub sentence/motto 3. Main image (would be very helpful to supply me with what you want) 4. Background style/color 5. Border color/size/style 6. Whatever else you want to define If you follow that format, then you don't have to title each option. Here is a signature example of mine along with the format example: Guardian Signature 1. Norbert220 2. Nothing 3. Green/blue spartan holding a gravity hammer 4. green, some mossy effects 5. double borders, black outside inside one fading (alpha/soft light) 6. Some of your own creativity, maybe some lens flares Please give me some time, as it's hard to process so many requests at once (especially during the school year). Just post if you'd like a custom signature. I'll post the image here, and just save it as a Jpeg/png (preferred), then upload it to Photobucket.
Thanks! I'll be sure to fix up on those things you mentioned. I appreciate your opinion, along with everyone else's. Please comment if you like my sigs, or vice versa.
Terrax... TSK TSK TSK. Thats not the way to treat new members... Norbert... TSK TSK TSK. Thats not the way to treat other members... Your signatures, could use some work though, try blending the render more instead of just having it pop up like that. Also, Lens flares are not for noobs Terrax who ever told you that or if you built that on your own thoughts it is wrong you can make many complicated things with lens flares. Also I don't see anyone flaming...
Fine.... I'm sorry. Hells is right we need to give you constuctive criticism. Also Hells I forget who but someone told me that "Lens Flares are noobish and a good Sig creator can sniff them out from a mile away". So that's where I got that from and there are some people who offer Harsher Criticism than me that he should be aware of before he just hands out -rep to everyone that tells him something he doesn't want to here. Also I don't think New Member is the correct term since he is a Guerilla so maybe he is new to the G & A section but not a new member. Also... Welcome to the G & A section!
Alright Hells Requiem, thank you for the feedback. However, do you have any direct explanations on how I could improve my signatures? I need some more tips. Soon my Photoshop book will be shipped in, but until then I just have to fool around with tutorials to get better.
Here is the Background. I don't care what the border is. I the main lettering to say Paradox Forgers In smaller letters I want it to say Gamer720, Buddha Crane, Thecartographer.
Sorry to tell ya, you aren't much better. Anyway, I like the style you have. It's original. You maybe went a little over the top with the sparkle thingys, but i like them.
1. LetalisCarbine9 2. Get wrecked 3. spartan with carbine 4. doesnt matter, nothing light or gayy tho 5. bout the size of yours 6. nothing special hook me up Norb. I'll provide you wit plus rep :]
-Alright, the sigs will be done by tonight. -Thanks, albyhouse, and those who requested a sig. -Gamer, do you really live in North Dakota? I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. Lol. Anyway, I'll try my best, but that background is kind of hard to use with a sig. Current Sig Requests: almost999sk8 and Bartoge
If you get many more requests I can help you over the weekend. I can't help on these 2 though cuz I'm goin to a PARTAY!!! And I go back to school wednesday but if ur overloaded I can be relief friday-tuesday.
Drum roll please... Haha.... Here it is, Gamer720. If you want it changed, just ask, I don't mind. EDIT: I noticed you're using my sig. I'd recommend using it as a link (i forget how, though) to your groups homepage. I hope you like it, as it was kind of hard to blend. If you'll notice, Paradox Forgers in the sig is a Black Hole (the paradox) and the Monitor as the eye.
The sig looks great, but could you make it bigger and brighter please? EDIT: How do you make it a link?
Sure, but I think the size had something to do with the way you implemented it. It should be the size that it is in my post... I'll get to it. As for the link, we might have to wait for a more advanced member. Lol, I accidentally did it.
Oh, I see, it is bigger in your post! Maybe it is because I saved it... let me try again. EDIT: It says "Remote file is too large." When I try to put it on my sig. When I save it it reduces the size.
Gamer, if you wish to make it a link host the pic at tinypic.com and copy paste code like usual, but before you submit your signature look towards the part in the code with the tinypic URL in quotes and delete that and put whatever URL you wish in the quotes