I'm back, and i just used that same tut, but for lost planet, a.k.a. the most underrated game ever. Its just so much fun, and i love the art style, so i made a sig. Also, i have never seen a lost planet sig on this site. C and C plox : D
You can haz my opinion, good colors match has a pretty god flow but some spots are empty and their emptiness makes them stand out drawing my eye away from the focal. So make sure to fill it up a bit more.
The text is too big! And dont mess with opacity! I like the rest though. P.S. Lost Planet is underrated because it sucks.
Lost Planet is sick. I remember because I didn't buy it, that I used to spend hours playing in Bestbuy.
I like the game. Don't have it though. I like the sig though. The text is kind of funky but its fine.
Good sig, bad game. I agree with some of the others, the text is wrong. Not the font, but its in the wrong place, try making it smaller and up near the face or on the arm.
I like Lost Planet! I don't have it, but I have played the demo over and over! My friend has it so I played a little over at his house too! I love killing giant monsters EDIT: Totally forgot about the sig! I think it looks awesome, the characters from Lost Planet look pretty cool too. Congrats for being the first to make a Lost Planet sig!