Dear Murdock Sampson, We will miss you during you're journey unto the world beyond. This truly is a wonderfully sad day for us here at forgehub, and i think i speak for forgehub when i say "who the hell is this Murdock Sampson guy" oops wrong quote "chupamathingys are awesome" there we go. We all understand why you are leaving forgehub ,and we [me] all hope that forge hub [you] gives you [me] +rep best wishes forgehub and M. Hat
omg epic fail!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol JK As for your posts, good job! i only have like 20-40 more to go. as for the map, i like the 1000 thing. also the cloning thing is cool. nice noob trap lol
I actually have a cool idea for my 400th post... I believe it should look cool. Good job on 100 and thanks for an idea
I can't really tell if you're being sarcastic so i'll just post this anyway. Yah, I don't think Murdock is leaving anytime soon, but that was a nice little thing you wrote.
This is perhaps the most interesting way to celebrate 1,000. A little retarded, but it's clever. It needs moar interlocking. 3/5
idk what your problem is, but seriously work it out. your additude is merely a demonstration that there are too many people who take things way too seriously. its not a serious map, don't take it that way. seriously idk why your so worried about it.
wow, that has to be one of the most nerdiest and pathetic things ive seen. woo 1000 posts, who cares, tons of people have done it, obviously im not one of em
I'm not condemning or hating your map in any way. I am just pointing out that you reached 1000 posts in 2 months, and that's all I'm saying.
if you haven't reached a thousand posts yet, don't worry about it. all I'm saying is that its a big number. its more of a thank you to FH for keeping me for 1000 posts than a celebration for getting 1000 posts. don't take it so seriously, its not a serious thing. That's not intellectual demise. That's just celebrating my time with FH. if anything it's the opposite, since it shows a growth in attention span. See I like this review the best. He admits that the idea was clever , and an interesting way to celebrate 1,000 posts. That's what I wanted it to be. And it probably ended up slightly retarded. And those last comments simply recognize that it's a joke Oh no, I know everything about you. And everybody.
Damn gypsie... Haha well I don't know if I said it but congrats and all you hatas... F**K OFF!!! Your just jealous that Sampson kicks ass and you don't!