Here is my first ever map that im ever actually proud of making, so please dont rip on it too bad. Just give me advice and no flaming plzz!!! Its made for the gametype "The Onslaught" that i will provide as well. It also can be played with team slayer or slayer, but i have not made a variant yet. Front View <-- Sorry about that it wont go away. Grrr. Side View Weapon Table Thats all the shots for now. DL and i hope you like it!! If you want to join my bungie group, Forgin aint a Felon, also send me a F.R. if you want. My G.T. is MrWhite68. Enjoy! Download Killhouse Download The Onslaught
nicely done, better than i could do on a house map, maybe put a little more cover around it for the attackers, like some short barriers or something, and add a few more weapons, other than that it's a really great map!
A rule here at Forgehub, NO DOUBLE POSTING!! Ask a mod to close it for you. Or you'll get warned and an infraction, Which is a bad thing to get since that your new and stuff. I posted in your other thread too.
It's a very awesome map BUT it looks really really small, maybe because it's just a 'house'? like said in the title? but anyways it has really good use of interlocking! 4/5
for your first map its pretty good, but otherwise its pretty average, i like how you tried to make the outside unique.
Don't take this too hard, but this map looks a little plain. There is nothing really eyecating plus no interlocking from what I can tell. I like the idea but perhaps you will learn to forge better and create a better version = ). For now I can only give you a 6/10- sad fayce
This map has never been posted. i can tell you that. i made this map by myself without any help watsoever
well that's bs cause I saw it twice on the recent maps. and I saw it the other day. but you need more screesnhots of the inside
Lying doesn't solve anything. But as for the map itself, it looks like it can use improvement with scenery, weapon placement, and some other things. You should add cover or scenery around the "house" so people don't complain about it, but then again this is just a casual map.
it's "liar" and this map needs a big aesthetic boost. maybe you should partner up with a more experienced forger
LOLOLOL, I had a feeling I spelled that wrong, but are you glad that I proved him wrong? EDIT: If we have a convo, make sure you send me a visitor message, I don't want to be reported for spam posting. But I think this is going to get locked because it has been posted before also.
you might be thinkin of GMOF Mansion, but i can assure 100% with out a doubt that thi exact map has never been posted.(someone might of stole it from or your just thinkin of a different map named killhouse idk but when you say im a liar,you completely wrong my good sir) both of you are badly mistaken for1, i am not a liar(not lier) and for2, you guys are prolly thinkin of some other map named killhouse,or your thinking of GMOF Mansion.idk but you guys are the liars right now
i think this is great , but these are a few sugestion / ideas for te future when making house maps. 1. interlock each item 2. Geo-merge the creates into the ground and into each other 3. Include doors , you could just use doors but think about making your own 4. Think about windows and outside scenery 5. Dont forget this is just a sugestion but sometimes making secret rooms is a good idea. Simple things like a basement, Atic or panic room are good aditions. 6. last but not least dont forget about the outside scenery please pm for more advice , or help
No, both of those "Killhouse" maps are the same exact thing, just 2 different posts, you double posted this map. Thats against the rules, also I've been corrected already on my spelling error, theres no need to do it again. That picture I supplied you guys with is a picture of all of the threads started by "InvisibleCookie117", as you can see he posted "Killhouse" twice, he's lying.
looks like one of my first maps also there could have been more features around the house and also this is pointed at you but the infection house maps are getting boring