You'll see the sandbox map in the newest map pack. They wouldn't have shown it to us if they weren't releasing it soon.
Whoah I've been following bungie closely for a while and out of those I've only heard mention of Assembly and sandbox +moonbase alpha. Could you explain where you got those name from and provide links plox?
Id say 7-9 in total seeing as halo 3 is like on a scale thats much bigger that most games bungie will keep making large maps just hope there isent too many more symetrical maps and i hope they will make flyable pelicans some time just a thought tho
Bungie didn't make pelicans flyable in the other map packs so that tells ya they won't be flyable in the others.
I got all of the names from a thread on HighImpactHalo that has since been deleted or just locked. Sorry that I can't find it. Anyway, the gist of the thread was that the guy who found all of the names tampered with his 360 to find the little taglines that Halo 3 references. You all know how you can look at one of your friends, and it shows a status right? Like "Forge Sandtrap" or "Matchmaking in Team Slayer." Those little taglines are stored on Xbox Live, and downloaded to your 360 when a game releases, so that even those without the game (Halo for instance) can see that you're Forging on Foundry. Anyway, the guy went into all of the Halo 3 tag data and found those names in the same section as other map names, and also found a crapload of playlist names like ActionSack and Bungie Tournament and stuff. If I had the link, I'd give it to you but I don't. I hope you'll all trust me.
I just typed in those map names on google and got some good info, despite the first page that comes up is this one (I'm so ****ing smart) People including me had been speculating that assembly/purple reign could be the forge style map due to some hints from luke ("the name is extremely fitting") but I guess that alludes to something else if there's a map called sandbox. Maybe assembly will allow you to use a separate part of the map for forge creations in a spaceship/covenant style? That'd be sick, an arena map that doubled as a forge map. Plus then there's sandbox which will probably be the edge acceptance video thing shown. Yay I'm excited. PAX tomorrow. EDIT: Here's what someone posted: ...It's all beginning to come into place. Bungie's mentioning the AI, and that new map appears to be Sandbox. Since only Decoy and Zyrra (mb at Zyrra >_>) know about this, as far as I know, look at this. This could very well be true, as he has posted evidence throughout the thread. However, the most interesting part (in my opinion) are the "True Names" for the maps: Mythic Map Pack Citadel Assembly Longshore Now, my guess here is that Citadel is Purple Reign. If you looked at the "rough draft-screenshot" that Luke posted once, there appears to be something very Scarab-like in the background. This leads me to believe Purple Reign is, in fact, a Citadel, with possibly Scarab(s?) on patrol in the background. Chances are, Assembly is Moonbase Alpha/Space Camp. Not only is it presumably a human space-stationesqe kind of map, there is a statue dedicated to the people who discovered the Shaw-Fujikawa Slipspace Drive thingamajigs, so people could have been there for a memorial/funeral-ish thing. Longshore I have no idea about. It could possibly be a remake of Death Island (Map from Halo PC based off of the Silent Cartographer), or something entirely different, like a long narrow strip of land surrounded by water and a base at each side. Or, possibly a Relic remake? Forerunner Map Pack (Note: True name is not known, however it seems more fitting than the Tilt or SLASO Map Pack, in my opinion.) Heretic Sandbox Orbital Now, I have several theories about this. Theory 1: Heretic could possibly be a remake of Burial Mounds; when I say this, it is because Burial Mounds was a Heretic Base Camp, and it could be parts of the Forerunner Gas Mine after Arby cut the cables off of it and sent it into Threshold's surface. Theory 1a: Heretic could be a remake of Colossus, although I can see the Spartan Laser replacing the Snipers on it. Theory 1b: Sandbox is most likely the "seemingly endless grid-floored" map seen in that video. However, I have a theory where two new objects exclusive to it exist; Invisible Barrier and Death Barrier. They HAVE to exist on the map; however, you can change the size of them, much like you can change the size of Objectives or something to that extent. Theory 1c: Orbital could be a remake of Boarding Action. Theory 1d: Orbital could be something similar to Cairo Station. Theory 1e: (IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN D Orbital is a spiritual successor to Chiron, replacing all Teleporters with Mancannons. lolwut? Theory 2: The Forerunner Map pack consists of three canvases, all the same--however, they each have a different "skin." Heretic - Covenant Sandbox - Forerunner Orbital - Human However, that video rivals Theory 2 as it looks like it has no background whatsoever, making me believe orbital and Heretic are two new maps. If I can think of anything else, I'll post it. EDIT: Waaaa, went on such a discussion about the maps I forgot about the AI and stuff. When it comes out, I am making a Minigame called Grunt-Punt where you have to kill the Grunts with Soccer Balls. NONOWAIT, even better. Not Dumpster Jumper... Hunter Jumper. (Y'all are gon haet meez evan moar) Oh, and considering those were the last maps that guy could find, it seems reasonable seeing as a full-blown map editor is going to be added (presumably). ...And, I'm taking it I'm not the only one who wants to Splatter people with Tank Forms, mirite?
Debo is right - i've seen it before as well. However, i'm thinking that Moon Base Alpha is Citadel. I hope Longshore is Relic though, that'd be teh pwn.
Yeah longshore seems like a fairly decent name for relic. the only problem being relic would suck with halo 3's BR and the map would be throughly dominated by snipers. OMG ASSEMBLY 2DAY1111
Orbital would most likely be Moon Base Alpha. Sandbox is probably the "new" foundry, which if Bungie has finally given in to the cries of lust for a map maker, it will be incredible. Longshore will probably be exactly what it sounds like, and I think that if they are gonna make a map with a lot of water on it, why in the world wouldn't they want to use it? A dramatic, non-realistic, but incredibly awesome change they could make is the usage of water in maps. What I have in mind is this: In Forge, aside from the regular items, there would be a list for items made specifically for water. Things like buoys, boats, etc. Also, there would be an entire list for the "main" ship. It would work like this. You pick from a set of sizes, and then make a basic shell for it. You could then build the insides with no geo-merging hassle, as it would be designed specifically for this purpose. So one could make anything from a cruise ship to a frigate. Sandbox, as I mentioned before, would ideally be a brand new map-maker. This means basically that you are now Bungie and you can make a brand-spankin' new map. As for Orbital, here are my crazy ideas for that. If it is a space station, which I hope it is, here is what I think would be ultra cool to the max. Basically there are two stations, one is merely an aircraft hangar (they would preferably have new vehicles for this), and one would be the space station. The defenders would spawn inside the space station and the attackers in the hangar. I think you can infer where I'm going from here. Anyway, the attackers fly to the base, maybe encountering defenders or AI on the way. It would be ideal for assault/slayer gametypes. And to further my wild ideas, the ship would actually go BOOM when the announcer says in that merry voice, "bomb detonated." Well that about wraps up my Halo fantasies for today, I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any negative comments about this post that don't have to do with the actual ideas I have, please keep them to yourself, for I was merely thinking out loud... er... quietly. THE END
I really hope the next map packs will be good and not lam like the legendary map pack. What I didn't like about it was that avalanche was bumpy so it was had to forge the only place you could was on the ice or saving and quiting.
Wait, I'm confused. You guys said there's four maps, Assembly, Longshore, Orbital, and Sandbox. So is the Mythic Map Pack releasing four maps? Or is one map releasing seperatly? If that's the case, I think Assembly will release by itself on September 25th, anyone think it's possible?
MAJOR UPDATE! It looks like we may get six maps in the next map pack and are definitely getting a new set of achievements. What makes me believe all those maps will be in the next map pack is all the achievements go along with a specific map pack. Linky : Mythic Map Pack/Disc? - Ascendant Justice Forums Midway down the page, if I have time at some point I'll copy the specific posts over. This was revealed from a player at pax, not from a mod.
well thet made 4 for halo 2 that was within 3 years so since they are realesing another halo based game around 09-12 id say 6-12 more. of course i could be way off.
As many as they want. There's no set limit at how many DLC packs they can make, only how much GamerScore they can give out for their game (1250 is the current maximum [take a look at GOW or Crackdown]) IMO, They will make at least 6 until they next game release.