Well, this is my thread of my Graphic Design. From Sigs to DVD Covers to Vector Tracings. I'll post my stuff as I do it. I notice that most artists here think that every new sig deserves its own thread; which IMO it doesnt. I want to show some of my stuff to the Forgehub community, in one thread. So I'll start off with some recent sigs I've done in boredome. (We all know I love Batman, so expect a lot of art based around it) In this I used my tracing of the Joker, added some filters to it, changed some stuff around; I photoshopped it. I'd envisioned this one for a while but was never able to obtain the picture of him entering the tumbler. Made this fairly quickly, just did a line then added a filter, added the same filter to the background, merged the layers then piled on numorous other filters then the text. Tis me on the right. Used the text and cut that shape from the background, lightened the text, then darkened the background. Came out pretty good IMO Same thing but with a different background. Speant more time on it than you think. lol, only like 10 minutes. My SOTW a few weeks ago. Now a couple of my Vector Traces: This was the first trace I'd done. Here's the second. Well, this is my G&A thread, hope you like it. I'll keep posting my stuff as I do it.
I've been using Flash 5, I think its up to 8 now. I currently have more amazing tracings I'm working on. I'm doing Harvey Dent, Batman and the Scarecrow. Most have already seen my Joker Trace, if not:
They're so awesome, Linu, great job. Only bad thing is, your thread may die soonish, but since you are Linubidix. (Read my Blog for what I'm referring to.)
You advertising bunghole! Nah Just kidding. If I didnt see some of your stuff it could've been because I was offline when it was posted then dropped before I cam back online, or it was posted when I was conserving posts. It will not be hard to maintain this, as long as I have at least one other person posting; I'll be fine.
Joker one isn't as good as your car one. And as for your blog Stoj, I am also one of the members who is better noticed here. Boydy has been long forgotten. Thankfully.
Really? I'm in love with my tracing of the Joker. I speant about an hour doing the car, and much much longer on the Joker. Eh, matter of opinion. I love my Joker Trace, and the few I'm working on now more than the car.
I see what you mean. The car was easy to do, right now I'm trying to do more complicated ones. Like the Scarecrow one I'm doing: Here's the picture Its going to be ****ing diffucult to do this one well. With all of the worms and maggots, I'm going to have to put in a lot of detail.
Have fun doing that Linu. I meant like, my Vector thread went dead pretty quickly and so has my Wallpaper, I only just posted in it and it's pretty inactive. I hope to keep this thread active 'cause I love your vector/tracings. (Y)
AH! Thats some scurry stuff right der. Thats gonna look pretty sweet if you pull it off. Which you will. EDIT: You do some great work Stoj, and im sorry if I, and other members seem to cloud up your threads. I will try to post in them from now on.
I used to do actual Art work. Like sketches and stuff in Primary School and the start of High School. But I got into the world of Graphic Design via computers and I loved it.
By worms and maggots I hope you mean large amounts of screwed up stitching. Anyways, I love your work. I like your Joke vector, but the car one in your first post is really great too. Also, the one of the person is very detailed too.
Flash is a vector based program. So lines and stuff, no pixels involved. Yeah, s'wat I meant. That one'll be hard to pull off right but I will, dont worry about that. I'll try and have my Harvey Dent tracing posted tomorrow.