I Want a Tsavo Highway Remake!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheKeebobBobagawa, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    I like remakes because I like to see old maps with a new skin.
    They're still new maps, though.
    Playing on Chill Out is much different than playing on Cold Storage, and even Zanzibar plays differently than Last Resort.
    It's a waste begging Bungie to remake certain things or complaining what about what has been done.
    I love every Halo map to a certain extent. They all have something awesome about them.
  2. Micronauts

    Micronauts Ancient
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    Lol I have no idea what infinity is. Wonder if my good friend wikipedia has anything on it. I never had the Halo PC version. Also by the time Halo came out I was too young to really go out and buy a new game ASAP or track a game. But yeah I heard about them considering the Bigger Forge map. Perfect sense? YES. Possibility? YES. but I hope they go through with it. Foundry just doesn't really give that big atmospheric epic environment of a 6 on 6 objective game. Plus c'mon there isn't that much roaming room for my favorite pet, the warthog and I usually end up having the bases right next to each other cause of their size. I thought of a green jungle like environment with trees in the background. The playing area is set between the jungle and a steep cliff that blocks off the rest of the map. But yeah probably a pipe dream considering it is supposed to be a "Natural" environment and c'mon that smooth of an area in the jungle. Yeah but I thought of a mix of forerunner and foundry objects, Like the foundry single box but with a makeover and the see-through glass wall like on avalanche but with some moss surrounding it. But oh well...Just hope for a bigger foundry :).
  3. Micronauts

    Micronauts Ancient
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    Oh yeah

    oh yeah halo 3 campaign maps... well rat's nest wasn't too bad but it was epic phail with multi objective gametypes. Tsvao's Highway I don't remember most Halo 3 maps X|. But yeah the first level may be an interesting map to play on. A waterfall would provide a good mixing bowl with scenery and action.
  4. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    I want Tsavo Highway to be remade so it plays a little like Rats Race for Halo CE. Kind of like a highway, but sort of like a parking lot.
    #24 TheKeebobBobagawa, Aug 25, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
  5. Micronauts

    Micronauts Ancient
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    Oh yeah no lie I went onto Halo 1 for a couple of seconds for some inspiration and I headed to rats nest...I should take another look at it lol yeah sorry sort of have a bit of a headache now but it's getting better...I remember it was VERY green and covenant like (Yeah I sorta miss some of the covenant styles of past games.) With those two little deployable cover like shields. and some two way teleporters.

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    I want to see a high ground or death island remake.
    Valhalla is a monster for vehicles. I liked it when vehicles ruled all, which forced teamwork. Also I think the bases should have been 3 stories. The two over ground would be bigger, and the one that's underground should have a tunnel that goes from underground from one base to another. But some barrier things in between to prevent campers. That underground base could hold the bomb/flag spawn/drop points.

    Another idea is a map shaped as a giant uppercase letter D.
    The | part is too narrow for vehicles, and has a lot of close quarters combat. The ) part is a longer route, but is very wide, and is a vehicle route, most humans will get shot up or splattered. The corners are where the bases are. Anyone think this is a good idea?

    And what part of tsavo highway is everyone talking about?
  7. Rhinestorm

    Rhinestorm Ancient
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    no u

    Serially, Avalanche rocked and and it's my favorite Halo 3 map.
  8. AfroNinja117

    AfroNinja117 Ancient
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    I would also really like a tsavo highway remake, and also new drivable veichles (like if bungie was uber enough they would let us drive pelicans and phantoms
  9. Micronauts

    Micronauts Ancient
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    Lol yeah I'm not sure how a pelican or phantom would work. It'd probably have to be bigger then sandtrap. Cause I forgot how many people a pelican can hold I wonder if it was in the manual. But yeah I know the Pelican can hold like 8 people or more. Which I mean you can fit a whole team on there! But then again I wonder how cool it'd be wiping out a whole team with two rockets :)
  10. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    If they made a pelican or phantom, would it be indestructible like an elephant?
    #30 TheKeebobBobagawa, Aug 26, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
  11. Micronauts

    Micronauts Ancient
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    Probably not

    probably not cause its impossible, basically, to kill anyone driving the pelican because the pilot is surrounded in a cockpit and has a chair that is mostly covering him from behind.
  12. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    I guess, but It would suck if everyone camped in the pelican.
    #32 TheKeebobBobagawa, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
  13. sonicfait

    sonicfait Ancient
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    I think they should make a map that is based off of like... the pillar of autumn or something along that line
  14. TheKeebobBobagawa

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    Yeah, like Boarding Action. I loved that map.
    #34 TheKeebobBobagawa, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
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    i am going to make a kinda remake of tsavo highway i will send a msg but next weekend i am amking it with a subway too i wish they did make it
  16. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    I actually had this idea on foundry. However on a smaller scale. Making a road from one side to the other. Sorta like 'Convoy Ambush'. But its just to hard to make a map revolve around vehicles.
  17. The NilZ

    The NilZ Ancient
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    The maps in halo so far are all too small!
  18. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    It depends on how you put it. If you are talking about just like warthogs and mongeese, then the maps are perfect size. But if you are talking about wraiths, warthogs, banshees, and hornets then yes the majority of all maps are too small.
  19. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    you sound like someone that has never played halo 2 or 3, or you are at the least very horrible at games in general.

    Give a reason avalanche was horrible. A valid one.
  20. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    Avalanche, a big huge ass map fun for vehicles, that's it, what else is there? Wasn't that what Sandtrap was?

    And no one even say that Avalanche was made with forge in mind, 'cause it wasn't.

    Agreed, the Legendary Map Pack was awesome, much better than the Heroic, all that was awesome about the Heroic was Foundry. But like Arbiter said, that should of shipped with the game.

    And if it sounds like I'm dumping on Avalanche I'm not. Just my poor choice of words is making it seem like I am.

    I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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