Cool... When I first logged on and say the front page and say 'Ultimate Budget Glich' I thought this was already been talked about a long time ago. Then once I started reading about it I got really happy about this, and how this is the next step in forgeing. I can't beleive at one point we was thinking we found everything their is to know about forgeing, then this comes along and we find something new and great.
That's amazing. The only way it could be better is if there were no item restrictions, as in you could spawn as many as you wanted.
Wow awesome. So can you have lots of one item beyond the limit? Or is there still a limit except no budget and you can still delete stuff?
Guys there is still a limit on number of objects. The new part is that you can delete however many you make as long as you leave one on the map.
Excellent. For some reason though, if I'm forging on a Budget glitched canvas on any map, and a friend joins, the glitch will occasionally break. If anyone could figure out how or why that happens please PM me.
Read the original post on our (me Buddha and cartographer's) group forums here. New info on the Revolutionary new idea we are working on will also be released there, and only there.
I thought Kaya was the one who figured out that putting the max one above the total on the map would make it glitched, but I love the fact that this allows it to be uncluttered.
YEAH! a budget glitch map without the annoying mancannon soccer ball noise! Thanks for figuring this out! AMAZING! You are geniouses!!!! Even if i spelled it wrong!
i love you guys (in a completly straight and non gay way) dling as soon as i get my xbox fixed rrod oh teh noes
This is usually due to lag. The new person joing your room might lag the connection. It might apear that stuff is not working but again it might be lag. Because of this, I tend to do a lot of forging by myself.
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG you wouldn't believe how much my heart leaped when I read this post. This made me so =) that I spazzed out. All I need now is an unlimited budget for each item. That would be AMAZING!
I accidentally deleted my glitched foundry and was gonna download one and then i saw this amazing find. I usually don't glitch my maps because of the clutter and this is so useful. heres rep
I tried this with double box. I kept spawning them but the budget went down. Does it go to 0 but still allow you to spawn more or is there a static budget when using the glitch? Also, when it says you cannot delete the item, does it mean if you delete it then you can't spawn ANY of that item or do you just lose one of it? Also, I tried this on the same console with one temporary profile. Does this work or does it require two separate gamertags?