You surely have not played it and your lying, It plays the best out of all my maps, and i spent hours apon hours ensureing that everything was neat, accept the wall.
So after playing a few games on this last night I can assure all skeptics that this map has excellent gameplay. Everything is balanced and faced paced, but not too fast (We're talking FFA here). The only thing that concerned me was part of the structure in the seventh picture. The box jump-up was too high to walk underneath the wall corner that was on top of it, and I found myself unable to escape gunfire quick enough to live. Lowering the box (and fence wall ramp) one more time in the ground might solve that. Besides that it was brilliant. And again, great job.
Damn Blood Fire. This is beautiful! Once again, you've given a Foundry map a non-Foundry-like feel. Everything interlocking and geomerging looks top-notch and I love one-flag, so you have a download from me.
wow bro, this is flat out amazing, some of the aesthenics, are, words cant even describe. The interlcoking is perfect, along with everything else in this map. If you havent figured out your grade yet, 5/5
it looks great, has a very Assassins Creed-like feeling, like buildings with fire escapes, pathways up to the tops with rooftops. good job. i love the arch with the powerups and shields under, pretty =)
Looks like alot of fun 5/5 , nice interlocking, and its funny how it came out a little bit ago and already has a ton of comments. But you'v had better maps
sweet lookin. i like the bridges coming out under the sniper. looks nice and original. I was looking for a weapons list, but under my inspection, it doesnt appear that you have one. Ill download it, and hopefully be able to draw enough of my friends together to play some sort of game on it. [OMZ !@#! YOU GOTS REC0nN! !?!] lol
what a map?! merging like that is painstaking! this is fine forgehubbery. everything looks clean and tighty. the top does look kinda open, but without playing on it I really can't say. gonna take a look around and get back to ya. awesome. edit: nice. this isn't too open at all. lovin the snipe rack. there are lots of unique little alcoves to play around.
hey great post i enjoyed testing out and there is no flaws, i really liked the staircases, and the fact there are not too many power weapons
Yay, another map from the omnipitent Blood Fire. Needless to say, it looks good. It sees like the layout would be good for CTF but also could be used for slayer. The one thing about your maps that stand out are aesthetics. I love all the aesthetics; the crazy tall buildings, the snipe spawn lights, the river thing, it all looks great. There is one thing that seems unnecessary though... those criss cross stairs in the middle. It seems like they are just taking up space. Other than that, it looks awesome, I will check out the gameplay as soon as my xbocks comes home to papa. Oh BTW, you should start making some non-budget glitched maps for the upcoming bungie playlist. You make really good slayer maps so you should make some submissions.
This map is just plain awesome, it kind of reminds me of ramparts like other people have probably said. This map implements many ways of playing like stealth, brute force, and defence and makes them play perfectly. I am very glad i was able to play test it before it was posted. This map isn't an mlg map. If you looked at the weapons in some of the screenshots you'd notice that it isn't mlg.
Very nice aesthetics. I like how you made the bridge in the corner of the double boxes slanted. It looks much nicer that way. 4/5
to start, i am INSTANTLY downloading this, just for the looks fun with rockets only, and also BR two fav game types currently.....I really enjoy the fact that you implemented MANY new things, like that triangle you made witht he bridges...I think it was a little like ramparts where u did the thing with the UP ramp with the double box my favorite pictures are your 1st and 3rd ones.....I will get back on a crazy long review, as this one deserves it....after I take a test run!
wtf another amazing map blood you son of b***h, jk jk, from the pics the map looks really good, i like the floating weapons with the arrows behind them. the layout looks unquie and sexy beautiful merging all around, slayer looks fun but im away but i will donwnload when i get home play it and get back to you, k
This map is great. The interlocking is perfected and the game play is creative as usual on Bloodfire's maps. When we tested the map the spawns were good enough, and blood decided to fix them up some more anyway. It's a cool map, there's some new ideas in there that are bound to be taken soon , such as the two bridges as a jump up. It's great for 3v3 or 4v4 slayer games, CTF is O.K. 5/5.
I have died and gone to forge heaven. If this hasn't been featured already then it should. I really like the two angled bridges that let you jump up.