How many map packs will Bungie make all together counting Heroic, Legendary and Cold Storage. Single map releases like Cold Storage count as one map pack. My thought is 7 altogether. Any thoughts?
I believe they worded it something to the tune of, "We'll release much more DLC for Halo 3 than we did for Halo 2."
As many as they can. They wanna suck out every last penny out of us. If you ever thought Halo was going to be a $50 game, think again. You'll be spending so much money on map packs to come (like 2 that already have), that when you realize how much money you spent total, you'll be shitting bricks.
As they are currently in the finishing processes of other games they are creating right now, it will be some time until another map pack is announced or published. Although I think there will be several more map packs that are yet to come. But it seems they are running out of ideas for something good and new. And are resorting to recreating the old and boring like Cold Storage for example. Never the less, I will never judge or underestimate the power of Bungie, so I hope and pray they make all the community happy with their awesome power of AWESOMENESS!
it could be there last, but that doesnt mean there not going to continue to update it in different ways.
There are six maps they've yet to release, and you can quote me on these names, because they're right. Unless a switch happens as did with Blackout being switched to Legendary Map Pack, these are the maps you will be seeing in addition to the current ones, and it's fairly likely that these are the only ones left. Bungie may create more, but I doubt it. Assembly (confirmed) Citadel Heretic Longshore Orbital Sandbox My guess as to their placement in Map Packs is as follows: Mythic Map Pack: Assembly Longshore Citadel Following Map Pack (possibly called Forerunner): Heretic Orbital Sandbox
If anyone has read the update recently, they also state that they are making a few adjustments to some maps and renaming them. But the original map will still be in the playlist along with the new map. I think I remember them talking about removing some shield doors here and there and changing around the weapons placement. Especially on Epitaph
Refering to a few earlier posts here.... They are running out of ideas. Remakes are good to an extent, but only because of the forge mode. I think there main problem is that they dont listen to people who give them good money making ideas. They act like they listen but really they dont. Lots of people like scenery based maps. I was horrified when i played on blackout. It feels nothing like lockout, also theres an horrible scilence in there air. They should create maps fun maps that can relate to different gametypes. Eg. a scary blank dark green air for the infection gametype. A military base for assualt gametype... You get the idea.
They should make at least two or three more, if they are indeed making more than Halo 2. And as long as one of them has an outdoor version of Foundry, I will be set...
assembly was confirmed like last update or the week before, you will get to play on it at PAX we will just have to wait and see footage from pax on youtube like people did for coldstorage
Do you guys have the link to something that talks about all these new maps that are to be released, but that's official, or something like that? I want to hear it from the source.
Assembly I know is one but you don't know the maps in the mythic pack Assembly-Forumerly know as "Purple Reign" Moon Base Alpha- Working Title Third not know yet. Check here