i dont even no how you got that open box in the back ally. are you a modder? buut the layout is definetly very new and unseen before, with allooooot of creativity to it.
I must say, the aesthetics on this map are great, especially the geomerging in the hallway, that's a first. I really just don't like they layout of the map though, sorry. 3/5.
The box in the hallways is amazing. I tried doing it with an earlier version of one of my maps, but it just kept interlocking with things and not geomerging. I didn't think it was possible. Any tips on how to achieve this?
Thanks, as I've said before. I tried to be really original and creative with this map. and no I am not a modder lol Why dont you like it, the lack of theme in construction? If you were to play it, you'd see the layout works very well during games. I think I've said before; just did a normal merge (with doors) till it was into the alley, then used doors again to get it in the right position.
This is really amazing. I love everything about the map; it looks clean and well-thought out. A definite download from me. I can't merge at all. Objects never go into the ground straight for me. So extra points for incredible forging technique. The only question that remains is: When is this going to be featured?
how the hell did you merge the open box in the alley?? other than that enigma i have no questions but compliments nice job dude.
Thanks, I doubt it'll get featured; but if it does you can guarantee I will have shat bricks. I've said it earlier how I accomplished that; I just did a normal merge until it fell into the alley, then from there I kept using the doors to get it at the right position.
I admire your incredible geo merging skills. How in the world did you get that single box open in the back alley!??!?!
I've said it before. it was an double box, BTW. But I just did a normal merge until it fell into the alley and from there just kept using doors to line it up to the position I wanted.
wow the merging in the back alley is incredible. everything is neat and you did everything you wanted to do (at least it shows that). lots of interlocking/geomerging/etc and you can definitely tell it'll be fun to play on, especially in FFA it seems. great map, worth a download for sure, 5/5.
Wow. You can forge realy good. Rating: Aestetics : 5/5 Looks : 5/5 Gameplay : Looks like 5/5 gametype : Is none(5/5 HAHA)
this map is insane, why does it have a 4 star! its like a piece of art, and the gameplay is so good and flowing, andjust look at the geomerging!!! its impeccable(i think that means great, but if not then switch it with a word that means great) i cant believe some people just look at a map, and just because theres something theyve never seen before in it, then they slander it.this map rocks, and anyone who says otherwise can go bungie-jump without a bungie. 5/5
sorry this took so long. I deleted the map after hitting 100 but i was in hawaii. heading home and will re-DL and let you know. to my memory though, i believe it was a double wall that had been geo'd with the floor. the final effect had the wall pretty crooked. i know there were other things that didnt hit my eyes right, and i'll get back to you.
Sorry to sound a bit harsh, but it looks like just a lot of random merging to show off your forge talents, not really one map.
Thanks, FFA is what it shines in. I did accomplish all I wanted with this map, I'm very satisified its still alive and still geting attention. I am sorta surprised this wasnt infracted. It easily could be justifiably infracted. Aesthetics and looks, aren't they the same thing? I doubt you actually played on so how could you rate gameplay? I'd appreciate actual comments rather than numbered rankings. Thanks man, very much. Impeccable is a new word I've heard for Pankration. Thanks for that too. Well, I'd explained that I had intentialy made somethings crooked, as convenient as that sounds. I hear what you're saying why you would'nt like some parts. It looks. Hm, why dont actually download and play it. You didnt sound harsh you sounded ignorant. The gameplay is very flowing and is how I'd originally wanted. It is one map, it was sort of a way to test and practise in merging but I didnt just merge things at random. I thought of spots and forged accourdingly. Each spot serves a purpose and flows with the gameplay.
Look like you've been on a merging spree! The geo-merging definetly kicks assin this map, usually I see geo-merging as un-important and just a thing to fill up a post (lol irony) but in this map you've takn it to a whol new level, I never even thought yu could get a box in the back alley! However I have seen the crane merged better but only to block it off, atleast this way you can use the box for something. As for the rest of the map I am very much liking the ig contrast between curved and squareness. The normal interlocking is epic and even the window panel holding up a plasma cannon has me going woop woop woop. 5/5 also btw this is not my normal keyboard s I'm makin typo's everywhere.
Thanks for that, what you said pretty much sums it up in a nut-shell. I've really gotten better at merging because of this map, the plasma cannon bit was one of the last features added. THat theme was what I wanted, I wanted the geometry not to add up together but to flow well. I don't feel merging and interlocking to be unnecessary, as they can have a large affect on gameplay and I value the gameplay of my maps and as should everyone else. I can remember being in the party with someone and they speant like half an hour tweaking a set of stairs and a double box trying to make sure that their grenades didnt get caught. That my friends is a commitment to forging and to your map's gameplay, its the little things that make your map great.
You are still one of the best geo-mergers here Linu. And you put that to great use here. The only part I despise is the center structure. It doesnt really flow with the gameplay very well. But still, the rest makes up for that. My favorite merging is the open single-box in the back alley. Anyways, amazing job on the map. Hope it gets featured. But whop knows right?
Thanks I dont know if I'm one of the best mergers but I'm quite flattered to hear that. There are heaps of guys that are quite talented forgers and are better than myself at merging, I wont name names so that they aren't hastled with "Help Me" messages. I can see why you would dislike it, I really like it. I had originally intended it to be taller, but I decided against that to save budget. If I'd extended it upwards then that would've either ruined it or just added a lot more chaos. I really like it, it isnt too overpowering. It offers some nice vantage points but no serious power weapons spawn there so it balances out. Risk and reward; that's how I set out my maps and each area of my maps and thus far its been working quite well. I love alley merging now, I love the challenge of awkward scenery merging, like the crane and alley. I do it because I love the challenge, and to put it bluntly I also do it solely to show off. I love seeing people's reactions when they initially see it. In my new map I've gotten a couple fence walls into the allety. One that even impressed Mr. Iv0ry Snack, so I was happy with that. I dont know about a feature, if it were to hit the front page; saying that I'd be thrilled would be an enormous understatement.