Yukon Canyon

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Shock Theta, Aug 25, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. CTRL Phorce

    CTRL Phorce Ancient
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    This noob was registered on an old name long before you were around son.
  2. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I said corrected, first of all. The low votes are mostly <10 post accounts. And second of all, if you take out mods and staff, you have 23 instead of 26. still big.
    Norbert220 likes this.
  3. CTRL Phorce

    CTRL Phorce Ancient
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    - loyals
    - favorites
    basically - everyone with a different color thats not in a group....dont fight it you lose. I'd also like to know what your definition of 'mostly' is. Better click those names again.
  4. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Lol. got me. Still. 19. Can I take everyone with fewer than 10 posts out of the bottom votes?
  5. CTRL Phorce

    CTRL Phorce Ancient
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    Yeah sure...please, con't forget to do the same at the top...you'll find that your 'mostly' is a strange thing. this is off topic and boring me. You have the community's OVERWHELMING discontent. You'll never see me again as this place has gone WAAAAAAYYYY down hill since the changeover.
  6. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Anybody who is discontented with me, please send me a PM as to why you feel that way. I am open to suggestion on how to improve my performance. And please, everybody take CTRL's as an example of how not to act on a forum site. This is why Furious left (that's right. I'm martyring you already, lol). This map, like all maps, is a work of art.

    It will appeal to some an not to others. It's life. But I do feel that this map comes down way in the center of the bell-curve. Particularly once everyone sees it within the big picture of the 2v2 tournament. If you have gameplay issues, please post them here. If you need something prettier/more novel to play on, I suggest you go play a round on Rusty's old toilet map.
    Draw the Line likes this.

    Senior Member

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    the people with colored names generally get those names because they are the ****ing **** at forge. we know what we are talking about.
  8. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    i agree
  9. CD Shot 47

    CD Shot 47 Ancient
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    well done, great map. I cant wait to play it. Good interlocking on the last pic and i like how you have shortened the space on this map. 4.5/5.
  10. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks to everyone who has my back in my absence. And thanks to everyone for posting opinions, either positive or negative. Despite the opinion of Atheos, I welcome feedback from all members, as long as it comes from an informed and intelligent source. I don't want to hear your opinion if you just looked at the pics, whether that opinion is glowing praise or scathing insults. On that subject:

    What specifically about it did you not like? You're entitled to your opinion, and I will not neg rep you or flame you for disliking this map. But I want to know why. Don't just post "this map is crap". Things like that do not help this community, or its members. You claim that this community is going downhill, and I point to such useless comments and bitching as the poison that is responsible for that downward trend. Start being part of the solution, and not such a ****ing malcontent.

    You're only dialogue so far has been to say that the map is crap. Really, I'm listening. Please eloborate.

    Moving on. On the subject of map breakage:

    Nice work. I have a love/hate relationship with map breakers. I love to do it, and I love to try to prevent it in my own maps. I worked pretty hard to make sure that this map wasn't breakable. I never knew about that group that you're in, but I hope that you guys only break maps for the accomplishment, and not to cheat in competitive games.

    I actually found the tree thing myself, and added another box or two near there to prevent people from escaping. I assumed that I had blocked enough of the area, but perhaps not. We intended to make all the maps as durable as possible, but you guys are delightfully tenacious. I haven't watched the video yet, but I definitely will. But thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    As for breaking it in the 2v2, you will be disqualified for cheating. And it isn't like you'd get any kind of advantage. In One Flag and 5 Plots, there is nothing out there. As for Slayer, you're leaving your teammate in there alone, 2v1. I guess if you could take the lead and then both escape, you'd be doing pretty good. But the other team could just upload the video and win.

    I'm always kind of embarrassed when I find out my map is breakable. But then I'm honored that you guys are finding some sort of enjoyment out of my map. And that should be the goal of all map designers- to help people enjoy Halo 3. So in a way, I'm giving myself a little pat on the back right now. And in the political world, that's called "spin", lol.

    So to summarize: sorry if you don't like the map, I tried to make it unbreakable, but thanks for breaking it and telling me. And good luck in the Faceoff.
  11. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I had a play on this earlier, great map, truely great.
    Some of the walls and construction although was very bumpy and very rough. That was my main problem with it, pretty much everything else is great.

    Use of Avalanche Man Cannons, pardon my french, was ****ing amazing; I applaude you on the excellent set up, layout, weapons. Another great map
  12. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    Yeah if you take a look at the Description of our group "Buddha Crane" being the leader there is no disrespect being given and i personally like the style of map you made... something different from the plain slayer maps is really nice once in a while especially on a map other than foundry. Also i can tell you that no one (at least in our group) would using breaking maps as anything but fun in a custom game or to help the map maker test for breaks.
    #112 Mental, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
    Norbert220 and NeverlessWonder like this.
  13. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Furious, just wanted you to know that I LOVE this map. Even if I can break out of it, it doesn't matter, it's main use is the 2v2 tourney and breaking out would be illegal, I knew that, I just test it myself for my own challenge (as I often do this during matchmaking as well).

    Gameplay was phenomenal, and the map was very, very neat, better then any of these haters or myself could produce. I actually love your ideas behind this map as well, neat shouldn't always be a critisizing factor in rating a map.

    CTRL, I hope you realize what your doing. Your sensationalist claims don't mean much for this site. The premiums, loyals, moderators, respected members, etc. were chosen for a reason, and this is a forging website.

    THIS MESSAGE GOES OUT TO EVERYONE: Please, PLEASE test the maps before you leave a comment. You can't understand anything behind a map from the pictures. The pictures don't give you an idea of what the map is about, they are there to make you want to download the map and see for yourself. Again, Furious excelled here, and the pictures work great. Same thing goes for the blog post (which everyone should read as well).
  14. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Aw, Atheos don't like me anymore? I remember a time when you were so desperate for supporters that you would twist my words/meaning and make it seem like we were on the same side. Much like I'm assuming you did with Cosmic. "Sure Cosmic...Its Atheos...the same guy you've agreed with in the past. I like this name better."

    Anyway, how is it low to call an idiot an idiot? These people, like you, contribute absolutely nothing to the community. They are whiny malcontents that will complain about anything. The only thing that will probably make them stop complaining is if we give them power to do whatever they want in the site. If that were to happen, I can promise you things will really start to go downhill around here.

    I got involved because I could not resist. I'm not doing this to defend Furious, and I'm not doing it to defend staff/loyal/premium members. I'm doing this, because when I see idiots en masse spouting their nonsense, I react much the same as if I was seeing a swarm of cockroaches invade my home. I can't help but to try and stomp the little buggers out of existence.
    This is stupid. Mods can and do accept criticism and opinions. But NOT if they are given in an antagonistic or thoughtless manner. Like how you did with calling this map ****. How about adding something constructive, instead of always being destructive with your posts?

    You know you'll be back. How could you ever leave? Without people like you this site will stop 'going down hill'. You want to see the bottom of the hill don't you? You know you can't stay away.
    I feel the same. If anyone else disapproves of my behavior, PM me and I will further explain myself.
    I've had my fun here. Furious, sorry for all the stomping, but this thread was full of roaches. I hadta kill 'em.
    rusty eagle likes this.
  15. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    First of all, please understand that each of the posts here is based on the individuals opinions, please do not look at any of the above posts, or this one, as representing any particular group of people, as they do they not.

    Members with only a few posts are not necessarily idiots, they simply only have a few posts. There are some people who voted low, and some high, with only a few posts. As for this particular map, you can't really base your opinion of it on what you see in the pictures, or even a quick game. It has a very different, somewhat complex, and unique layout that varies from most other maps. Once you get used to it, you'll probably come to like it, very much. That's why it was a great choice for a tournament like this, participants will get a while to play through the map quite a bit and really get a feel for it as they prepare for the second tourney round. However, with any type of standard competitive map like this, there are going to be people who do not particularly enjoy it, as I'm sure most of those who voted a 1 found that they did not. Once I got to know the map, I really liked it, so I voted a 5. Likewise, once I got to know Urban, I really did not like it, which is why I voted only a 2 for that one. It is a matter of personal preference though, everyone who takes a good look at both of these maps, is going to develop very different opinions of them, and based on multiple unique things that they like/dislike about them. Before posting your opinions about a map, it is usually best that you go into the map and play at least three times, maybe even look at it in a forgethrough. If you do this, you can really see how the map is setup and built, and if it's a map that you really like or dislike. It is good to get at least three games, because at first you will not be used to the map, and likely won't enjoy it anyways. Some people are good at getting you to immediately like their maps, by making it aesthetic masterpieces. However, others, such as in the map, focus more on making it unique gameplay. When someone set a map up like this, it can take a little more time to get used to it and like it, which may also explain some of the lower votes, these people may have not played the map, or only played it once, again, there will always be some who do not enjoy it regardless though.
    squidhands and NeverlessWonder like this.
  16. furious charlie

    furious charlie Ancient
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    very well said :)
    Norbert220 likes this.
  17. 05murphym

    05murphym Ancient
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    look good and i like the fh sign
  18. mrgregsux

    mrgregsux Ancient
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    Pretty sick. :D
  19. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Once again, I'd like to make a comment on the treatment of the moderators here at Forgehub. Haven't you people ever noticed how much work was put into this site? And besides, there are no ads to annoy you, and it's very well formatted. They did this all for YOU. And this is how you guys pay back respect? Don't you notice how often the mods are online? Do you think this is for them to raise their post count? Why the heck would they care? They're here to help us. This site was created for its users, not for the moderators. If they really wanted to make a bunch of money, hey, they'd put ads on the page.

    Thanks, everyone who replied positively to this thread. It's fine if you criticize this map, but at least try and make it constructive instead of: OMG THIS MAP IS **** GET SOME FRIENDS LOSER. Really, how would that make you feel if someone said that to you about a map that you spent 50+ hours on it? Would you say, "You're right, it does suck, those 50+ hours I spent on my map were worthless. I'll just redo it and spend another 2 days on it. It's not that big of a deal. And anyway, I do suck at life and I should probably get some friends." Think about that for a second.
    #119 Norbert220, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
    Cosmic Rick likes this.
  20. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I just watched the escape video. He didn't do it the way I expected. It required a little bit of setup, but it looks really easy. Good thing we're not doing VIP on this map. That could have gotten ugly.





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