Yukon Canyon

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Shock Theta, Aug 25, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great


    Senior Member

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    not really. more of a flaw in immature players than a map flaw. id still ike to see a film of it being broke, cause i still dont believe its possible
  2. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    Its on my fileshare if you really want to look at it.... 4th slot i think

    I am a part of this group:

    The reason i tried this is to hopefully benefit the community and the tournament...... I did it because it is possible not because i want to ruin the map.
    Sorry if it looks like im just trying to anger anyone or complain about the map.... :D
  3. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Why the hell is everyone attacking me for? I didn't do anything wrong... I can't see how im being ignorant when he is calling people noobs. You know what, screw you guys. I used to like Forgehub, but lately it seems like its just filled with jerks now....(Talk about me all you want now, im not going to reply to anymore of this threads dumb comments)
  4. DragonBerries

    DragonBerries Ancient

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    Why is everyone attacking Shihuru. I read all the post between Rusty Eagle and Shihuru before they got deleted, Shihuru did screw up a little with Rusty Eagle, but at least he apologized. I mean the poor guy isn't doing anything wrong. I came to Forgehub thinking it was a friendly halo community, but as Shihuru said, it seems like its filled with jerks now... :(

    Edited: I thought NeverlessWonder was a little bit more mature than i figured.
  5. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Good riddance. You know, most people talk this **** and then come back for more anyway. can you resist my taunting? Can you? I bet you can't. And whoever said that you could break out of the map, thanks for not saying it in a retarded way like: OMG THIZ MAPP SUX U R CNA G3T OTU UV 1T GOW 2 H3L LOEZUR. Try uploading it with Gamevee Grab, and then post the link. It'll be much easier to show people.

    BTW- Thanks for the rep, guys =)
  6. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    LoL really the people that started saying it is a bad map have no sense of respect and dont know a good map by its gameplay. i guess its better off that they leave it will make everyone happy.

    Respect earns Respect which makes others have Respect for you, giving them Respect......think about that

    Oh and i dont want to make a gamevee vid because it should be kept under the radar as something that may or may not be fixed..... because its not really a problem seeing as no one would cheat during the tournament..... WOULD YOU!!!!
  7. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Thanks for the backup! Sorry if you guys get tired of me posting, but I'm just trying to clear things up. If anyone tries to post another negative comment to this map without reading all of the posts, I will eat your face with my ROFLBanhammer. Muahahaha. No, I'm not kidding.
  8. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Like what u've done with the highly overlooked Avalanche
  9. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    I'll send mine to you. My way of escaping the map was very easy to do (for those of us who can actually BR someone and then focus on escaping, HLG FTW). It is possible, and it took me 3 minutes to discover the easiest way (after my forge through of the map, I look for escape points, then I test with others, which I DID DO).

    I'm ignoring that spot though (except I sent the video to Furious), and I focused on gameplay, because i read the thread and the blog before playing. Great gameplay, I don't think I've ever been in love with territories so much, best strategy I've seen for it. And I love the neatness of it (despite it being on Avalanche), I don't really understand why people would be complaining unless they can't read too well, but then, they wouldn't be able to find the dl link, right?

    Great map as always, Furious!
    Draw the Line likes this.
  10. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Like i've said before, this map doesn't look all that "great." But the only way to find out is to actually download it. Seems like the gameplay is alot of fun though...
  11. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Everybody. There will be prettier maps in the tournament! This, I promise to you!

    No more whining about it, ok? Don't even mention it. It's not the prettiest map, and it's not even Furious' prettiest map. But it is functional. I can almost guarantee that more time has been spent on testing the objective placement and spawning system here than was taken on the entirety of forging Pallet Parade. There. I said it.

    Could there be a few more aesthetic elements? Sure, but then everybody'd be complaining about how the budget glitch might effect tournament gameplay.
  12. CTRL Phorce

    CTRL Phorce Ancient
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    This is crap. I've downloaded...played with others...got their feedback...and I'll say it again--CRAP! Leave me neg rep I don't care. Just because the mods like it doesn't mean a thing. I've read through a lot of stuff where mods defend each other. They should realize their tastes aren't ours. Shame on those of them who have belittled loyal users of FH. What a shame.

    Wow...never thought Neverless would get low like this.
  13. CTRL Phorce

    CTRL Phorce Ancient
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    Mods can't take criticism...they'd rather bash us users than listen to our opinions.
    This site is going down hill.
  14. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    woopee even if you're not in the tournament the point of boundaries is to keep the game going and not have people hide cause they suck. the only reason this debate began because you are probably one of the many people who look for flaws in perfection cause you've got nothing better to do but criticize everyones work. go break the map and reward yourself noone cares.

    EDIT: ^^^^ uhh wowww (double post)
  15. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Says the 1-post wonder. IP check, anyone? Lol.

    Also, I can take criticism. But what you're giving isn't criticism. It's just you being an ass. If you have any legitimate gameplay concerns, let them be known. It's a little process called dialogue.
  16. CTRL Phorce

    CTRL Phorce Ancient
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    Sure Cosmic...Its Atheos...the same guy you've agreed with in the past. I like this name better.

    Why are you guys having a hard time accepting that the community does not like this?

    You've ignored or bashed all "dialogue" to his point so why would I want to offer any?
  17. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Because the community, as a whole, does like it. If you look at who voted for what, then correct the voting numbers based on their legitimate contribution to the community, you'll see that, overwhelmingly, it loves it.

    EDIT: to respond to your edit, you wouldn't. Because you've never done anything to help the community in any way. Aside from a few cool maps, maybe.
  18. CTRL Phorce

    CTRL Phorce Ancient
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    42% is not overwhelming...sorry

    Having mods vote for mods does not constitute the community's take on anything. Exlude the mods and staff and see how many voted on the high side.

    Then again, don't most of us don't care...I'm done with this site...there are better ones out there that don't abuse the users. Peace.
  19. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    dude i love how a n00b is talking like this about the mods, they are what they are for a reason moron. you dumb asses are the ones defending each other it's funny. honestally i know i've only got about 100 posts but I already know whats up with this site, retards like you are turning this place into a **** community, like just download maps and mellow the hell out you and that metal kids' opinions are getting old.
  20. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    awesome! i love the FH sign! that's soo ub3r!

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