Rofl... Well then welcome too forgehub and I hope you enjoy your stay. Don't worry their is more girls on this site then just you. lol.
psh. nobody here is good at stalking, you guys are all noobs compared to DragonCoals. Wait till he finds out theres yet another female here, and he will be hacking your photobucktez like theres no tomorrow. True Story
like, righ now righ now? or later later? haha im sorry...your mexicanyness reminded me of that line my family always says from G Lo
she speaks spanish btw (as does whitetastic! chuck)...not that that is a bad message...just seemed like twas for comedic effect...
POR QUUUEEEEE?! be cautious of dragoncoals sister. drawingman just thought it'd be fun to be cryptic in warning you of internet stalkers. lol.