I was just saying the ones he does not have because he said he bought the first farcry, i told him the other ones and he bought fcip.
far cry 2 looks epic. hopefully its not a dissapointment like the first one was. plus it has an amazing map editor. looking forward for this game
I hope the gameplay is good, otherwise the game will only be good for making maps, not playing them. From all the videos Matty has been posting though it looks promising. And either way I'm getting this game.
Wow, the videos make the map editor look really nice. I've never given Farcry a second thought but now I'm positive that I'll buy it. The editor just solves so many issues that Forge has. The only thing I'm worried about is how the videos only show buildings and mountains and trees and such, very realistic stuff. I'm hoping that players are given tools to create more abstract ideas. Would I be able to create giant monster looming over a city, or a map consisting entirely of floating platforms (like maybe a floating city or something)? The map maker just seems very set in its realism, which is fine, but I hope players have the option to make completely unrealistic maps and structures as well.
Yes you would be able to create floating citys people have done it in FCIP. And im preety sure you would be able to make giant monster looking things.
That video made me cry. Manly tears. It made me cry manly tears. The best thing I heard was the anti-map theft feature, where if someone edits your map, it saves with both of your names.
Things like that are entirely possible. Someone was able to reconstruct the Eiffel Tower out of pipes and boxes and still have a map made around it.