Debate Do you think Halo will be dead after Far Cry 2?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xMBMAxPureEvil, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    This is defeintiy one of the biggest gaming/forging issues as far as Halo goes. I've been doing a lot of forging recelently with a user named SykoP4th and the only thing hes been talking about is Far Cry and its map editior. He tells me every day how Halo 3 forgers are jsut going to stop playing and switch to Far Cry when it comes out because of its amazing map editior. I've seen images from the first Far Cry and remakes of call of duty and such and I have to say it looks exactly, EXACTLY, like it and this is only on the first one. What do you think about this theroy?

    NOTE: I understnad theres been a lot of posts on far cry but there has been none that I know of in the debates ection so please no excessive flaming about this thread. Thank you
    gobbles likes this.
  2. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    We may lose alot of map makers but not the MLG, farcry multiplayer is not as good as Halos.
  3. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    For the first FC game, most definitely, but with FC2 we'll have to wait and see. However, seeing as FC2 has so little gametypes, I would imagine people will still use forge for the gametypes not available to them in FC2.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    In a sense yes. I think that due to Far Cry's editor which is easy to use and allows users to place a plethera of objects will drown out the creative ones. Of course this is only speculation. But, I think that one of the reasons that there is such popularity concerning Forge creations is that it takes skill and ingenuity to get around Bungie's system. Far Cry's editor is very cool but I think it will limit the 'greats' from standing out. Just an opinion which could change. But, yes I do think that we will see a drop in Forge creations because of Far Cry.
  5. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    These are all good points and especially rustys. Far cry (acording to sykop4th) is supposed to have free mode like GTA 4 execpt you be able to raom a map double the size of GTA so that sounds pretty intense, but I do have to say that since it looks like its pretty easy to forge I have to aagree with rusty eagle that it migth be a little hard to notice maps that really stand out.

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    No halo will not be "dead". It has survived the release of much bigger games and it will of course survive this. You should've put will forge die when far cry 2 is released as the title.

    However I'll answer a sort of different question: Will forge die?

    A: No, however it very well could have a decline. Depending on the overall game sales it could only be for a short time or not at all. If people are making maps that no one is playing than I doubt they'll use the map editor for long. Plus the main reason people bother with forge in the first place is because halo is the game that you get to play the maps on, plus I'm sure any forge updates will re-kindle people's interest even if the still prefer using the fc2 editor.

    Plus depending on people's styles of forging to some people the fc2 editor may be more limited due to the lack of gameplay options (the people who make things like mini-games, or games with different rule). Plus unless the game is highly competitive, sells well, and maintains an active community I see little interest from the mlg side of things, so no not every forger will leave halo to go make fc2 maps, and there is a chance the game will have no impact at all (although this is a small chance).

    I do believe that FH should add a farcry section though.
    COMMANDERMATT1 likes this.
  7. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Sure, some of use might try that out, but frankly the gameplay is way different. Forge was meant for smaller maps that would be intensely competitive. Far Cry 2 is much different. So frankly, I don't think we are going to lose many members at all.
  8. Verno

    Verno Ancient
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    Though many more people will be able to create somewhat-playable maps in Far Cry 2, doesn’t mean the truly amazing and skillful maps will be hidden or undistinguishable from the rest. It may seem easy now to create a half decent map, partly because that’s what Ubisoft wants you to think, but when the games comes out eventually people will be able to tell what is easy to make and what really took a lot of skill. Plus with sites like ForgeHub people will know what it takes to make a great map. Also, not to be rude, with Forge, it’s not necessary you need to be more skilled at making maps persay, it’s having skill in quickly and effectively dealing with the annoyances of forge (e.g. interlocking, geolocking, etc.).
    Besides, only 2 factors should be considered when making a map: time to make the map and the overall quality of the map. Time is for the map maker’s sack (and possible the player), and quality is for the player’s sack. With Far Cry 2, the time to create a map is dramatically decreased and even the highest possible quality, too, is increased compared to Halo 3.

    I agree with everything you said, especially the thing I quoted.
    #8 Verno, Aug 26, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  9. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    My feelings exactly. Far Cry 2 looks great, but the map editor looks too easy to use. Instead of creating the greatest construction yard ever and having people playing it all the time and loving it, people will constantly be creating their own versions of construction yards, and you name it.

    I have a feeling that Far Cry 2 is going to have lots of custom created sniping maps.

    That said, I think that because of the freedom in creating maps which work the way we think they should work, that the multiplayer will be improved. You just have to get a map that works perfectly with the games multiplayer...
    ...If that makes sense to you all.
  10. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    ya but in forge people just placed boxes in the beguining but then someone discovered interlocking and that changed forge completly
    then geomerging that again changed forging
    so im pretty sure that in farcry someone will discover something totaly awsome and it will change farcry2 map editor

    and whoever said that in fc there all big maps your wrong you can make you map as small as guardian and you can make things on top of mountians for the floating effect most of the maps first made are probubly going to be peoples old maps from personally looking forward to the remake of kentucky tango it will look so much smoother and the whole map wont be green double boxes!!!
  11. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Look in my sig. Java is my answer to this topic.
  12. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    Somewhat. Big Far Cry 2 fans may go and play that game forever, like they loved Halo 3. But, in the end Halo 3 will still be played. It has been one of the most popular games played on Xbox 360. There are big Halo 3 fans out there too. People will still like it and play it (even if it's rarely).
  13. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It is annoying to see these 2 games compared side by side in a "only one will survive" kinda way. The only thing they have in common, is a map editor, but that is different.

    Far Cry 2-

    Look at it, it is nothing like Halo's Forge. You have 1 LARGE empty canvas, where you are free to distort and add to it as much as you want (okay, exageration..) You can pull up mountains, dig rivers, spread foliage, stamp down houses, and change textures. Then there are spawns, guns, vehicles etc. This is great, I can see alot of creative landscapes being created to suit the game. But, then you have Halo 3 forge, a different beast.

    Halo 3 Forge-

    I will not say what it is, cause everyone here should know, but I will instead compare it to Far Cry 2.
    You have multiple maps you can edit on, the closest to an open canvas is foundry, an enclosed small space.
    You have objects that you can place to create obstacles, layouts, cover etc. On some maps, these objects can change shape in the form of interlocking and geo-merging, two glitches that have furthen forge.
    In addition to creating maps, you can create your own custom games, resulting in stuff from competitive play, to minigames.

    So, Far Cry 2 is more of a landscape map builder, where you have freedom of size and aesthetics, while halo is a map editor, where everything you place has a purpose.
  14. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    we cant be sure
    when we were first shown forge, its impressions were a lot different to what we were given as an end product. FC2's editor could turn out to be horrible and rife with bugs, we do not know
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Far Cry 2 has both of those in.

    You can create whole buildings from scratch, the same way you do in Halo. Create walls, rooves, archways and windows.

    You could create an entire map from 1 object if you liked.
  16. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    But I have to agree with some of these comments. Whover made this game made it so easy to do everything so It could possibly be hard to notice which maps really took skill and such. The maps look amazing but everyone can make them. I think forge may die a little but I guess will have to see how the editor is and what happens.
  17. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    I do not play Far Cry, nor will I buy it. I have heard very bad reviews from a lot of my friends about this game. And I honestly think that the map editor is going to be a big letdown to many people who have forged on halo 3.
  18. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    The smartest thing you can do, and this is also what i'll do, is wait about a week after it comes out the start asking your freinds that have it how it will be. But some of the objects look pretty awsome.
  19. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    Maybe Forge will, but Halo will never die!
    And Far Cry also takes away all the skill and creativity you used to use in Halo's Forge.
  20. attacaine

    attacaine Ancient
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    It depends on your definition of "dead."

    If you mean, "Will it suffer a significant loss of players," then no, probably not. They are different games with different styles, so it probably won't have an incredibly drastic difference. With a game series as popular as Halo, there will always be at least a few thousand players on average. No game can "kill" Halo. There will be dedicated fans and nothing will be able to take away such a large amount of players as to effectively "kill" it.

    Of course, if you're asking, "Will it kill forging?" that's a different matter. Farcry 2 could very well take away a large percentage of forgers. Of course, as I said before, they are two different games with two different play styles, so there will always be people who prefer Halo 3. If they prefer Halo 3, then, of course, they would probably rather make Halo maps that they will actually play rather than Farcry maps that will do nothing but collect dust on their hard drives. Plus, without knowing exactly what the map editor is like, we can't say whether or not it will "kill" forge- and no matter how the two compare, there will also always be people who simply prefer the style of forge rather than the map editor in Farcry. So, while Farcry 2 may draw away a large portion of forgers, it probably won't "kill" forge, either (It may just injure it).

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