Hey guys I have been a supporter of metal since the first song I ever heard and I was wondering if anybody else shares that love of only metal as I do, I mean 24/7 non stop adrenaline filled metal, I could name ever single band I love but I would be infracted for how many pages it would take up. I am getting SLIPKNOT's new CD in about... 2 hours and 18 minutes and counting... CAN"T WAIT HOLY CRAPPPPPPPPPPPP IM SO PUMPED. ANYONE ELSE A MAGGOT LIKE ME? HELL YEAH? METAL FOR THE WIN.
metal is meh now "The Metal" is a great song Slipknot fail, they cancelled at reading cos of injury.pussies. gallows frontman frank carter cracked his head open with the microphone on stage. hows that
I'm not a big heavy metal person. I like bands like the Chili Peppers. Plug do you live in PA near reading?
I'm quite the metal head. I mean, it's not my only love (in the music world), but it's prob'ly my biggest love. Never liked Slipknot, though. When I went to Mayhem Fest a few weeks ago, I watched almost every band, and me and a few friends went to wait by the cars while Slipknot performed. We would have left, but about half of our group wanted to see them. That's about six people.
Meh I used to be all for metal and rock (old rock also) but it got old for me. All these bands start to fuse together and sound like the same singers and songs to me.
i love metal, but not so much these new metals, and yeah not so much slipknot...back in the day yeah. im more of a iron maiden, megadeth, metal church, and a few local bands that are bad ass. im a thrash girl.
****ing Iron Maiden. I don't listen to new metal. Iron Maiden is so ****ing bad ass. I'm not even kidding. I fap over eddie. He is so ****ing sexy. Anyway, I'm more of a grunge/80's alternative kid. Bands like the Replacements, Nirvana, The Cure, Soundgarden, Tears for Fears, etc.
How bouts making a band that purposely injure there selfes before going on stage for more attention from sick people.
slipknots first album was good the rest with a few exceptions sucked idk about new one i like metal alot but not death metal thats sucks
the ending of Psychosocial was just ripped from this song, by a band who schools them in being heavy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHJNH_K-c6w
Now there's something I can't stand in my music. That type of singing. I find it to be very annoying. No disrespect, but I tend to ignore people's views on music when they listen to this type of thing.
I don't listen to any form of rock its all lame. I like hip hop because I can listen to at clubs and parties. And if the hip hop thread went to off topic for no reason, then this should too.
I used to play in a Death Metal band. They either loved us or they hated us...or they thought we were "okay". Most Death Metal bands have dark names like "Obituary"..."Mortuary"..."Rigor Mortis". We weren't that intense. We were just "Injured" this thread made me want to post that mitch hedberg quote. i can't say i like metal too much, modern or old.
fair enough. i dont find it any more annoying that singers that sound like screechy chicks. ie: Guns'n'Roses, AC/DC, etc. someone was told to gtfo of the hip hop thread, and ill tell you the same thing. take the hiphop and shove it.
slipknot has just become a stupid trend for little kids to put on masks and wear baggy pants and call themselves "maggots" stupidest ****ing thing i have ever seen. metal blows nowadays, nothing new has come out that i have really liked. well, i guess theres a few, but i cant really think of it at the moment.