Okay I know this isn't the best but my sister wanted it so I made it. I tried to make it good with sticking to defaults since everyone tells me to do that. So here it is... CnC is welcome. Here is a V.2 with less stars. (Only for you Sdrakulich)
meh its ok, but looks like you overdid a little with the stars and sh*t...lol....and I see you have seriously taken to only popouts?
I think for a sig made with hello kitty on it it looks really good although I don't like hello kitty its really cute. anyway I really need to know what defaults are...
I don't only do popouts... This is a recent one. (I think you helped critique it) But yes I have been leaning towards popouts because I like the depth. Also I will post a V.2 with less stars. Edit: Okay so to Icecikle default is just leaving it alone. Like with the gradient I could have made it streaky and have all sorts of filters but I just left it as a gradient and used it more to accent the other layers as opposed to have the other stuff accent it. It's just keeping it simple. Edit #2: I don't like Hello Kitty either... But it says "Hello Katie" and Katie is my sisters name.
You cannot see the stars if your using oldschool, i switched to see them and this was pretty neat nice job, and Hello katie
Yeah I know there is a problem with the oldschool but I tried other colors and you couldn't see them very well and they didn't look as good. :/
The pen tool in each is the same... I just made a line with swirls at the end and put a outer glow on it. I didn't use it too much even though I wanted to put some on the render.