
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by B3NJ4M1N08, Aug 26, 2008.


How would you rate this for a 1st post Map?

  1. Excellent

    11 vote(s)
  2. Good

    3 vote(s)
  3. Fair

    1 vote(s)
  4. Poor

    1 vote(s)
  1. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by XKillaBR
    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer
    Map Description
    This is my FIRST map post so here goes:
    R-tillery is a map designed on Standoff which allows for competitve and teamwork based gameplay. It features two Artillery Guns (Wraith tanks), or A.G.'s, strategically placed outside of the map and are able to attack most of the map. However, like artillery guns in real life, these A.G.'s cannot directly see their targets and rely on a spotter to direct their fire. This requires teamwork on a whole new level. This map supports the gametype VIR-tillery and is a variant of VIP where the VIP goes to either A.G. and a decoy goes to the other one. The objective for the attackers is of course to find and kill the VIP(The VIP has no marker to identify him for the attackers so you must destroy the correct wraith driven by the VIP). The defenders job is to keep the VIP alive, who gets 2 points for every kill he gets in the wraith! The defending team is divided into three parts:
    1. The gunners - the gunners job is to mortar the enemies called out by the spotters
    2. The spotters - spotters go into the tower to spot targerts for gunners and direct their fire to the targets. They can also take out targets themselves, via sniper rifle.
    3. Defenders - The rest of the team are defenders and are responsible for keeping attackers from destroying the A.G.'s and more importantly, keeping the VIP alive. There can be up to two gunners and two spotters. Each spotter designates a gunner as their gunner to direct. There are two A.G. call signs, Red Gunner and Gold Gunner. Powerups have been placed to identify which is which. Attackers have an assortment of ways to kill the VIP, Spotters, or Defenders. One way is to grab the Active camo and sneak behind enemy lines to take out spotters, gunners, or the VIP. Another good plan is to use the vehicles to your advantage. There are plenty of weapons scattered to help you achieve victory. Same thing goes for defenders, weapons are placed evenly and make it balanced for both sides. Once the VIP is killed the attacking team gains 5 points while the defending team loses 5 points so protect the VIP, AT ALL COSTS! The round is over when either team reaches 50 points. There are no honor rules because the VIP is armed with only a plasma pistol and cannot pick up weapons, however, they can still ride around in other vehicles, but that is highly unrecommended.
    I recommend 8-16 players and plays best 6v6 or 8v8. 4V4 can work, but you may want to drop the winning score down to 25. This map is also made for Team Slayer and works fine for a 4v4 match.
    Assualt Rifle x6
    Battle Rifle x6
    Shotgun x2
    SMG x2
    Sniper Rifle x2
    Spiker x2
    Carbine x1
    Brute Shot x1
    Rocket Launcher x1
    Beam Rifle x1
    Flamethrower x1
    MG Turret x3
    Frag grenade x8
    Plasma grenade x8
    Incendiary x1
    Bubble Shield x1
    Trip Mine x1
    Regenerator x1
    Power Drainer x1
    Warthog Chain x2
    Wraith x2
    Mongoose x1
    Ghost x1

    Overview of Defender's Base
    Overview of Attacker's Base
    Defender's Spawn
    Attacker's Spawn
    The A.G.'s are located out of the map behind the defender's base
    Spotter's Tower
    Turns out this supply truck was packin' heat, literaly!
    VIP mounts up for battle
    Um, I think you've been spotted
    VIP gets KIA
    That about wraps it up! I am proud to be posting my first map on ForgeHub and want to get better at forging so please comment!
    Download R-tillery
    Download VIR-tillery
  2. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh my god. That is probably the most amazing map idea and map creation I have seen in a few months. And thats a long time here. Wow. I absolutely love how there are sightless artillery guns, and how the spotters and VIP's cannot leave and run around and hide. But, unfortunately there is one problem I notice, shown in the last picture: Cant the attackers just rush up, crouch, and blow both Wraiths away unseen with that rocket launcher? Unless it is a long or never respawning one, then it is OK.
  3. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Why did someone randomly give it a 1? That;s not very nice. This looks like a great attempt for a standoff map though, great job.
  4. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thats a cool idea where you have to use the artillery but the rest of the map is okay though
  5. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1 is excellent. I gave that. The map is amazing and a great idea within and of itself. I give this a great five stars. Welcome to FH.
  6. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've always wanted to do a map like this, but I never thought how to do it without using fusion coils and mancannons. Good Job, 5/5
  7. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you! I appreciate your input! Btw Skittlemeister it takes two rockets to destroy the wraith and its pretty easy to kill the guy with the rocket laucher since he has to get right on the edge to see the wraith. Thats is a good suggestion though to make the rocket spawn longer. If it is an issue I will definetly update it!
  8. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    wow! this is very original, for me! i'll try it out
  9. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
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    Please do, I want to be able to make this better in any way so everyone please try it out and message me or comment on this thread.
  10. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Wait, what is the 1 for then? Are you referring to 1 star? If you are, than I must tell you that 1 star is terrible not excellent. Wait, you couldn't be referring to stars because you said you gave it 5 stars two sentences later... Please clear up on what you are saying.
  11. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice map, I like the use of fire weapons, since very few people seem to like to use those.
  12. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I believe he was confusing my poll (where the first option is excellent), and the star rating system.
  13. sgt n00b34

    sgt n00b34 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this actually looks like a good map, keep up good posting
  14. WispyHobo54

    WispyHobo54 Ancient
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    I think I speak for half the people hear when i say, throw some pics on this bi###! I am WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to lazy to read all that. Fail...
  15. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There are ten pictures already posted. Sorry if thats not enough. It's my first post and I thought ten would be plenty, but ok...
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    the artillary cannons themselves are a good idea....but the rest of the map is very plain, its just standoff with a few boxes on the base, one small-crude tower for sniping and a box to spawn in... a little plain
  17. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks very origional I am impressed for this to be your first map. Nice post too.
  18. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know I didn't put much for the bases and map, but I didn't want to over do it because I wanted the focus for the map to be on the gameplay. However, I do feel you're right. I could probably add some more structures to make it look more interesting. If anyone has any suggestions to make this map better, please feel free to comment or message me! You may also message me on XBL. My gamertag is, of course, XKillaBR. Thanks!
    #18 B3NJ4M1N08, Aug 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2008
  19. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, definately an incredible idea! You may not have had the forging skills to carry it out as far as it could go, but you definately brought it 3/4 the way there. I love the fact that the artillery guns can't see the enemies, therefore enforcing teamwork to be essential if you want victory. Definately a great project, 4/5 for idea, but 5/5 just for making it happen.
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This is one of the best first maps I've seen. Most of them are on Foundry which is bad because most first posters don't know how to interlock/merge efficiently...

    I like the Wraith mortar idea, but what's with the custom powerup and OS floating in front of the two wraiths?

    Original idea, not on Foundry and a first map. Top marks for you!

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