Here in America the legal minimum age for a driver is 16 1/2. Most get their permit at 16, take a driving course or two, and pass their test. That is the minimum age. But what about a maximum age? I have seen a rise in accidents apparently caused by old age. Like when grandma drives the car through a hospital door and kills a Doctor. I feel like the mandatory maximum age shouldn't exist, but rather a system should be installed to monitor people over the age of 65. Like a driving test and a physical every year or 2 after you reach 65 years of age. Thoughts?
Maybe that changed in the 10 years since I got mine. Either that or it's different here is the state of Massachusetts. Any thoughts on the topic?
Same for Wisconsin. As for the Max Driving age, I agree that the test thing would do good. My grandma, 64, drives perfect. A little slow, but perfect. My great grandma, 94, should not be driving, which, she does, veery often though.
16 and a half? why and a half? in B.C its the same as Y35 but in alberta you can get you lisance at the age of 14 there shouldnt be a max age they should just have to take there drivers test again at like 60 and if they pass take anothere at the age of 65-70 and if they fail then no more driving for them
The minimum age in the US is 16, not 16 1/2. Currently in Illinois, you need 50 hours of experience behind the wheel before you can take the test to get your license. That number is soon to rise to 100 hours. Odds are most teenagers won't have their licenses until they're 17 with all of the requirements they're adding (thanks to insurance lobbyists). I only needed 25 back in the day, and I thought that was a pain in the ass. And currently in Illinois seniors over the age of 80 are required to take a driving test every year or they face the suspension of their license. That is a great law.
lol, im from montana, and im 14 and im taking drivers ed, and get my permit at 14 1/2, and then get my license at 15!!!! lolololol
I agree with you about the mandatory tests for older people. I see plenty of old people that go too fast, way too slow- a little is fine, or just plain crazy. So yes I agree totally.
OMFG YES! YES! YES! YES! I cannot tell you how many times i've been late to places because some old fart in front of me is afraid to go over 2 miles an hour, or they sit in the left lane, or swerve and slam on their brakes every other 15 seconds even when there is nobody in front of them or beside them. Sure, if you are 60 years old and can actually drive right, i don't mind being on the road with you, but if you can't, just get off the road. The other day there was a traffic jam like 50 cars behind me because 2 cars ahead of me was an old granny who wouldn't go the speed limit. Test them like at the age of 55 or 60.
In Illinois it's just 16, I got mine way before 16 1/2. Also there is no 'max age' per say, but there are tests that you need to attend annually once you reach a certain age, which I believe is retirement age. If you fail, you can't drive.
See, that must not exist in Mass yet. But then again, this state is so effed up in it's policies anyway that it's not surprising. I am actually shocked that we were one of the first states to allow gay marriage. Maybe that is a sign of change.