Though I don't really consider it my best work, it's currently got 12k views so I'm quite proud of it. I decided to name it "The Keeper" because the figure looked like the keeper of the Blue Room, at least in my opinion. Although I wanted to call it "Welcome to the machine", it wouldn't fit in the title. Anywho, that's enough about the history. Let me know whatcha think. =)
He's all like: "Come on, step in, you can do it, grab my hand..." Lawl. The pic is pretty sweet, what effects did you use and where the hell is it?!
Its almost like he's Willy Wonka in an inedible metal factory. I wouldn't eat that if you don't want to be electrocuted...
I'm not sure how he got the effects (sorry), but I know that he used a map called "blue room." It's a room underneath one of the bases on snowbound. I'm assuming the maker forced a teleporter under there, flew in, and set some spawn points inside. If you search for it on BNet you'll probably find it.
ya... and to get his arm like that all he did was throw a radar jammer or something like that... its pretty easy... but still pretty cool.. maybe try it with the no arms glitch... it might look better... who knows? great work though
That is on Snowbound. It's called "The blueroom." It is located under one, or maybe both, of the bases.
Wow, that is a really nice shot. The positioning of his arms is great and the lighting is awesome. I love how the whole shot seems to be sharpened.
This is great! totally deserves 12 k views! The spartan looks great and the pose is awesomo! And if this isnt your best i wanna see more of your work!
I won't tell to maintain the mystery but this is old, really old, like when halo first started out people have been using this effect. Anyway, originality, gets a 2, execution, eh, the arm thing looks weird, 4, effect, 4, bionic like. So i would give it a 3.5/5 (4/5)
Ah okay, I saw a video once with a tut explaining ow to force Teleporters into walls and grounds, that was made by CMNeir.
Ok, I have seen a lot of blue room pictures but this is one of the best I've seen. Like others have said, it almost looks like he is reaching out to you. Kudos on the great pic. Haha, I just noticed this was my 360th post. 360, get it? haha...