This now abandoned warehouse of Voi was once the center of many universal trading hubs. For TS, 8 players This is a warehouse with a fairly complex system of air ducts throughout it. This version is not the final version, and is only customized for Team Slayer. I have to make separate maps for each gametype because, due to the amount of objects on the map, i couldnt spawn anymore at a certain point. PICTURES!!: Attacker's Spawn^ View from Attacker's^ Side shipping crates^ BR over there small storage room^ View from in there (shotgun spawn)^ warehouse overview^ front view of roof^ Backside of roof^ right view^ left view^ ground level inside^ entrance to a vent^ inside that vent^ that vent can also shoot you to the roof^ stairs from ground to level 2^ window and small room (level 2)^ entrance to another duct (level 2)^ (inside that duct) can go on the top bridge or bottom ^ top vent (camo in there)^ i hope you enjoy what i have of this map so far, and please post your comments, and rate. (on Bungie too please) I am aware that this map will probably never be the most "eye-appealing" map, but i can assure you that it plays very well, and is tons of fun. This map was a pain in my @$$ so far, and probably will continue to be, with the inability to spawn anything else at one point, have to go thru a delete most of my scenery just for spawning points. But this is an idea ive had for a while. Unless something unspeakable happens, a V2 should be out eventually. I have made the BETA versions of 1 flag, 1 bomb and infection of this, so if u are interested, please message me on LIVE gt: ShreddedDreamz, and I will gladly give you the version requested. As always, i am open to all comments/ suggestions/ tips/ thanks/ advice/ and of course gifts of gratitude; my address is ***Removed*** This version is for everyone to get a look at it so far, and so I can receive feedback from YOU! download >>
interlocking looks a little sloppy but maybe you could fix it up a little in v2. other than that it looks pretty good
Great idea, proves for some good gameplay but i would certainly tidy up the map a bit for version 2. If you do that 4.5/5 about 3.5-4/5 atm
I'm downloading it, I'm loving the claustrobic (Spelleng) Feel to it!! Nice work!! 4/5 I gree with the other posts above me though, You should fix things up in the V2. And it's too open for the attackers, They would be destroyed by the defenders. :\
Looks impressive with all those ducts, and the interlocking looks very smooth. I wouldn't say you have to improve anything, because this is already awesome. 5/5 Oh yeah it is kinda open. If you have some objects left - like walls - you could merge them into the ground to make it cool too.
Agreed those ducts and the interlocking both look superb, clean, and very smooth IMO! Some parts are a bit open as well which is kind of bad because of the sniper that can easily kill anyone crossing over. Great Job! 4/5! Keep up the great maps!
yes i know this isnt the best so far, but everyone i showed my progress to so far loved it, so i wanted to get forgehub community opinions on what to improve and thank you everyone who has posted so far, and your comments all will be taken into consideration
thanks, the building i wanted to have that enclosed/ claustrophobic feel, whereas the other parts of the map a widely open (good for a BR battle perhaps...)
i have looked over all the comments posted, and i know think i have an idea of what to improve for the final. thank you to everyone who posted and i hope you've enjoyed the unofficial BETA version. Please spread the word around if you like this... ~Shred
Nice map, although it has been done before, this looks different than all the other ones. It could use a little more things here and there but overall it's a good map. I will be looking forward to the actual map and not the beta!
I think that the insides of your map are definitely its strongest parts. I would work on adding a bit more cover to the outsides of the map. We don't want the attackers to get plowed down without even getting to the base.