Hello all Please post here about if you have ever been banned from any forum on bungie.net. I was recently perma-banned on the Flood for swearing . Please tell wat for if u feel comfortable and for how long. and for 1 week two times and 2 weeks one time for reasons i forgot :| peace out The MONKEYS are coming to kill you
B.net forum? Lawlz, oh please, that barbaric mess they call a forum? Yea right. No, I haven't been banned. Then again, I never post there.
I once recieved a ban for posting something along the lines of But in my defense, the guy was a complete moron.
I was blacklisted for a month for posting in the thread talking about how modded content wont be tolerated and not to post them, I said "Now where am I going to get the maps ACTUALLY worth playing...? ibotmodz?" I was obviously being sarcastic, but FoMan123 was like, "Sorry, company policy" or some BS.
I got, as Ske7ch put it, 'Ultra-Black listed' when I posted a picture of franky's head on hitlers body.
Bungie net forum doesn't have any point. There's no well known people there, just a crowd of people who don't know where else to go..
got banned for bumping bout a year ago, forget for how long.. got banned for posting a modded pic from my friend for about a month
Swearing again. If you post modded content on your fileshare you can get your fileshare taken away forever so i took my modded stuff i got off its a good idea
I got accidentally blacklisted for yelling at an anti-sem, then the mod noticed my intentions and lifted it. It took me off of "heroic member" which i didn't even know i was, nor do i know why. Then I got in trouble for using brackets in my post name