I know this is a 360 site and most people here get 360's because they cant afford a better comp or whatever, but I wonder how many people have steam. If there's enough we could possibly form a steam group. For those who don't know Steam is a multi-purpose program using for gaming. Much like xbl but free. You can buy full games off of it and also add your own to the steam list. Many popular games like CS:S TF2 Portal etc are available on steam. Having a steam account as a PC gamer is generally smart seeing as it's one of the most used. You can also log into any computer with steam and play your favorite games. Steam Group made: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/forgehub
i have a steam account (lol its my friends, but he has no idea)....its ill edit when i find it again!
How ironic, I just got Steam and Garry's Mod yesterday and here you are making a thread asking for user names... Anyways, my name on it is Mikey9211
I bought Counter Strike Source and Garry's Mod but my pc got wiped and my Steam accounts gone mad and it says i havent bought them and i dont know how to fix it. I was a good CSS player but not a very good Gmodder, I made like an office building that had a random zombie basement that went on forever and it was awesome cause it looked really good and it was funny as hell when the zombies tried to chomp on Alyx's Face and then move on to world domination. Good Times(y)
Got two accounts on my computer (mine and my brother's). I love my Steam this much. Lots of things say (pre-loaded) because my brother's signed in. Oh, wait! That's not even all my games! I forgot about all the ones that aren't installed right now! Here's the rest, now that I've logged into my account.
I'm a proud user of steam. Basically two other brothers and I use it. But It is usually just me. I think the username is msldfool but I have the nickname as the other dark when I'm on.
1. It's free; it only costs money to buy games 2. It's a billion dollar company with 1 bazillion customers, you won't get scammed.
Well, it's run by Valve, so it's pretty damn trustworthy. Steam and Steam membership is free, but you need to buy the games, or register them via Steam (only Valve games and select others can be registered to your account). Anything you buy over Steam stays on your account, so if you log in on another computer, you can access all the games registered to the account. Aw, got beat to the punch... Addin'.
I would join FH Steam but "i cant haz password sadface" and im too lazy to recover, if you want a pointless addition to my Friends List the Username is RobinRevolution.