A sequel to my previous Lockdown map. A few changes like: back part of map has been blocked off, sniper has been replaced with rockets, and more cover and structures have been added download here: Lockdown v2 pics:
flip boxs over and flip bridges over and you will have a sexyer map o and a little interlockin would help as well 3.5/5
first things first. This map Is Simple. That is what i like about it. What i mean there, is that you have only used interlocking where neccesary. I Don't think that you should have put rockets there instead of snipers though.
i agree with you there JASONYO cause it is really nice map it maybe simple but the gameplay will be really good on this i think
really nice simple map, but i always think that a map with snipers and turrets in abundance never works- snipers always win. 4/5
look good but I don't know about the road block on the lower bridge, I mean it looks ok but is it needed and won't it just get in the way. and from what i can see you can easily jump on to the top railing thing. It could look better but the design looks good and my shore its fun to play. 3/5.