shouldn't we have tryouts for team leader, i've played th knight and i'm better than him, no offense to him though
Um... I guess... We can have a couple of FFA team wise... Like it isn't who the best is its who organizes the matches, writes the recaps, and gets team practice times and all
Yeah, leader doesnt really mean much. Lunchbox is team captain of Instinct, even though most people would agree hes theyre 'weakest' player
Yeah... Novak I need you to send a FR to Th Kn1ght so our team can practice together and get used to working as a team and all... Also, if you are a team leader, send a FR to Th Kn1ght as well so we can have matches and all...
Yeah... The third spot on the third team may not be filled though... the guy isn't very active in FH...
Dimmest actually i can put you on a team... Wheezy If anyone drops out you will get the first spot. Thank you for your interest! If we get more sign ups (which I hope we do) I am going to make fourth, fifth, and maybe even sixth teams... My goal is eight though
That would be pretty nifty if you got eight teams and hosted MLG tourneys here. I'm sure it would become successful and grow if ran well.
im ok at mlg i just went to a tourny to watch a team im friends with and they won 3rd and almost 2nd. 1st place went to dallas, and tecnically this team is the 3rd best in Oklahoma
I would like to sign up, don't exactly have a team though since i just joined today. Maybe you could put me and Wheezyy together.
Umm I think we have officially disbanded the teams and now we are just gonna do like an MLG TGIF kind of thing. Join this group for more updates on times and dates. Thank you for your interest!