This is one of my best maps i have ever made. It is perfectly symetrical and evrything is interlocked. There are 4 bases and plenty of cover. It is a small map and is always intence. Gametypes... -Team Slayer -Free For All Slayer -Oddball -Capture the Flag -One Flag -Assault -One Bomb -King of the Hill -Juggernaut -Territtories -Infection -VIP Weapons... - 4 Battle Riffles - 4 SMGs - 4 Spikers - 8 Plasma nades - 4 Frag nades - 1 Sword Alot of people ask me why didnt you put a shotgun in the middle imsted of the sword? In my opinion: The sword is an iconic weapon of halo and strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies. It is also perfect for this map. Plus there isnt realy any maps in halo3 that use the sword like this. It is the rush weapon. PLEASE Comment, Rate, and DOWNLOAD Thanks... I want to thank JB for inspiring me to make the map. I want to thank KJ for being with me the entire time i made it. I want to thank all of you who download and comment on the maps I make. Thank You All !!! Map Made By AKILLYEZ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * If you like this map and want more or you arejust not satisfied, check out my file share which hold two of my other great maps and some ver sweet pics with nearly 600 downloads. the link... File Share __________________________________________________ Screen Shots: the original layout of the map (not final version) when we realised the we are not going to have a 2nd level (7 hrs in, not final version) overview of Nightmare (FINAL) attackers base defenders base middle hear is a link to get this map DOWNLOAD PLEASE RATE, COMMENT,and DOWLOAD THANKS
this map is not up to forgehub standards, you must embed pics of your map, not just leave links. click on the rules, to find out how, if your still confused, send me the link to your bnet screenshots and i'll do it for you.
this looks very nice but there are someplaces where the interlocking could be better or places where you could have interlocked but besides that its nicly made 4/5
Dude looks really cool. Your interlocking looks very clean and tidy. Good Weapon chose and layout of the map. Looks like a great map to play slayer on. Great Job! 5/5
This shouldn't be turned into an MLG map (because it looks like it actually has fun gameplay ). The interlocking is great, the map looks neat and well thought out, I don't see any geo-merging and that makes me happy, it pretty much looks like an overall good map. 4/5
If I were you I would have used upturned bridges as a floor it looks smoother, but it still looks very good nice interlocking 4/5.
this is a really nice map it looks like it could be played really well and it would be really good for any game type really
I think you've managed to make the first candidate for a "swords only" map I've ever seen. I can't help but feel that ranged weapons can take all the fun out of this map. With the small arena you've created there swords would be divine. Better yet, an all swords Ultranaut match. It'd be awesome.
This map looks really cool after seeing the center area. It looks great for four player free for all and great for team slayer. 4.5 out of five because some things could be cleaned up. interlock the weapon holder into the centerpiece wall.
How did you get the walls in the middle (the lowest floor you walk on) to lay flat on the exact same level? That is amazing to me. It must have taken a very long time. The whole map is amazing. 5/5
I think a four team match of CTF would be phenomenal on this map. Solid interlocking, nice ascetics, you get points for using walls as a floor, don't listen to everybody who tells you you need more interlocking, this map has just the right amount.
this looks really good and original though im kind of confused by the lay out, it still looks amazing. can you go up into the boxes above?
looks really good, cant wait to see v2 and i think maybe you should have put the 2 levels in hope to see v2 ! if you do lol