Games Too Violent for Parents?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Juggernaut, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Watch the video first. Then express your concerns and feedback.

    Personally I think it's stupid that parents are worried about their kids playing violent videogames. Ironically this video doesn't do just one side of the argument, but does both. I like how they said that underage children got the game from their parents buying it for them. Anyways, opinions?
  2. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Ok? Then don't ****ing buy them dumb ass parents we woulden't have squeakers because of them.
  3. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Lol thats true =]
    If parents get worried about their kids playing violent games then dont buy them!
    My dad doesnt give a crap
  4. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    The ESRB(?) ratings are there for a reason. I wish more parents would pay attention to them and buy accordingly. I'd especially love it if some use their initiative, and buy (for instance, Halo 3) knowing how their son/ daughter is.
    If you have a responsible 14/15 year old, and can trust them etc, by all means, buy them the game.
  5. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    Well if their rating system didn't suck so much, people would actually listen. I mean they rate games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band as T for Lyrics (which are censored anyways, no Mental Masturbation or Sons of a Bitches here). And Portal is T, God only knows why. But then they go and rate violent games like every RTS out there, with blood and everything (Age of Empires, etc.) T as well. So then you buy Guitar Hero, show it to your parents, and say if this is T and so is Portal, then how bad can an M game be?

    The only way to get an E rating is if a 6 year old can play it without it being inappropriate for that age. Plus M is too broad. E designates appropriate for everyone, but appeals to younger audiences, T is for teens, but then M is for Young Adults or Adults. Sure there's AO, but unless you're playing Natasia's Adventures in the World of ******* Sex it's not getting AO.

    Anyways, I don't get all the huplah anyways. If someone has such a weak mind that they can be brainwashed by a video game, they deserve to go out and get arrested and/or killed. I think it's a great way of weeding out societies failures, both parents and kids.

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