Too bad we can only publish five maps for now hopefully they make it more. And is there an item limit?
I suppose it would be suspenseful. And on the bright side, no more random kids from matchmaking joining your forge session and randomly spawning stuff, killing you, or deleting your map because you accidentally left the party open. Yeah, that would work. I also like to listen to music.
American I know you can make more than 5 maps. You can only add 5 to your fileshare of sorts. No there is no item limit just a performance meter. You can add however many items of one kind as you want as long as the meter says so.
This map editor is the best I have ever seen in a game. I mean Thousands of placeable objects, Full control of terrain and weather, What can't be made? And 80 Hours of Gameplay?? Hopefully FC2 will have Good Gameplay too. So how is the Editor limited? What is this performance meter based on?
Well, if you want to be technical about it, it's a frame rate indicator. Lag's is more connection-based, but whatever.
Theres a budget meter in the middle. Theres also a meter in the top left, but i have reason to believe it's merely a notification of where you are in the list of items / objects. The performance meter in the top right is merely a notification, there is no limit to how much lag you can create.
FC:IP had an item limit, and i never even came close to it. FC2's on the video is 33000. A bridge is 50, a tree is 4, a large building was about 150.
Yeah, that's a given. I've seen quite a few Blood Gulches in my time on FC:I. About the item limit, though, I've always had to fight that. I suppose it's because I'm big on making complex and detailed maps. I always hit item limits - even in Forge.
The limit for Forge is unnatrually low. The budget for Far Cry 2 looks pretty big. Enough to make a small city, unlike Forge, the larger objects look pretty costly. What people sometimes don't realise is that, for some maps atleast, the terrain can be used to create over 50% of the map, and it costs nothing. This is one of the most exciting things i have heard so far. Offers many more oppertunities.
One of the maps shown had a rating of about 68,000/30,000. That's way above the set limitation, and the lag meter didn't spike at all around the map.
Yea 33,000 is like the top of the lag meter and if you dont hit that lag meter then you can keep going intil it hits the top of the lag meter.
The lag meter does nothing. It's merely a notification. There is no 'lag limit'. Lag is depended on what your doing. You could get more lag out of 10 objects than 1000 if you tried to break your xbox.