I posted this at GoO and so I wanted to show you guys to. Tell me what you think, it took three 11 hour days to make it. My Rogue Helmet Side Top Back Inside Leet Here is one with it on. So yeah its cool. No you can't has Rogue.
Yeah I have been to lots of bike shops and none of them had replacement visors. and I made it out of paper then fiber glassed it.
go on ebay and buy a motorbike orange tinted visor then cut it up and stick it in. I've seen it done in other helmets and BTW that helmet looks just like the real thing good job! here's a link to somebody elses visor they got but it's a broken link but maybe you could find something similar.Legendary Helmet Mod TUT - High Impact Halo Forum and Fansite
That is really cool. It does need a visor though. Still good job on it. I know I wouldn't have the patients to work with it....
Woah that is really special, it is awesome. But yeah, adding a visor would make it just peachy. But right now, it seems to be missing something. But still really cool.
Pretty good for an amateur attempt. I'd love to see a professional do it, though. The quality jump would be unbelievable!
I will pay you 20 bucks for that. That is pretty freakin awesome. I would make another, put it on ebay and see how much money you could get.
Wow that's cool I've seen alot of Mark VI helmets but I've never seen an Rogue one. Try making Security or Recon.
lol wait, is that a cheapo airsoft shotgun you have there? But yeh, if you ever get the money, go for the visor and then you can have the ultimate rogue helmet.
Is that a real shotgun or an airsoft gun or a fake shotgun in general? btw helmet is best don't wear it to school or else u may be percieved as nerdy :0
Dude that's badass. You should pair that helmet with brownish sunglasses for a makeshift visor. Either way, really cool.