As it was with Tex and Project Z I planned for my map to be my 3000th post, obviously this is no longer the case. My plan was to get all forging done by friday night and try and get some testing in on friday, saturday and sunday and then post it. Well almost all forging was done on Sunday and was tested on Sunday. If I were to post it now; it would be dismantled as it is far from ready. I played 4 games on it, only 3 of which were done to completion. Slayer, ened up being 11 person FFA Team Slayer, 4v4 One Flag, 3v3 After those games, it became quite apparent that, Penguinish was good at halo but also that my map was in dire need of change. Now onto the map, which will be out eventually; I will not rush a map out. It is called Squared Circle. The theme of it is a wrestling arena map but dont let that shoo you away. It isnt crammed full of weapons, with a **** load of fusion coils falling on stairs. No it has been made with a lot of care. I wanted it to resemble an arena but not as much so that gameplay suffers because of needless aesthetics. It is quite diverse and takes up all of foundry. The weapons are the major issue that needs to be dealt with. Here is the current weapon list: x 8 BRs x 4 Plasma Rifles x 2 Shotties x 1 Sniper x 1 Laser x 1 Rocket x 1 Sentinel Beam x 1 Hammer x 2 Needlers x 2 Brute Shots although they all have the right respawns and appropriate amount of clips, there are far too many power weapons. This is what I'll be speanding a lot of time editing. Right now, there is no use of the symetrical and asymmetic setting. I will change that. The Flamethrower and Sentinel Beam will probably be removed. Laser and Hammer worked like a dream, exactly how I wanted. Now, if you'd like a small preview of the map, here are 2 screenshots. Bare in mind they were taken about a week ago, so somethings may not be there in the current version and there may be new scenery. The ring itself, do not mind the receiver its just there because of the budget glitch. The main thing missing from this picture of the current version is a double box merged about half way into the ground behind the ring. The hammer is located underneath the ring, and firebomb in the centre up top. It is fully accessible via regular jumping; not trick jumping needed. A small look at the back corner; attackers area. Not much to say, the picture speaks for itself. 2 Plasma nades are located in between those 2 open double boxes. Well, yeah. Not the map, not as epic as I'd hoped but I just didnt want to stay in off topic for the next few weeks. I'd like to know what some of the people playing thought of it and what I can do to improve it. I'd also like to thank those who tested it. These guys: I'd like to thank those guys ^^^ for playing, even though some only played for a few minutes; thanks anyway. But yeah, dont expect to see Squared Circle up on Forgehub anytime soon, unless its stolen. lol. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions I'd love to hear them.
Yay its your 3000th po....Um this isnt a map! Meh, it needs moar downloadability. I cant wait for the actual map though!
Yeah, it'll be a while before I get to release it. Probably 2 or 3 weeks. I have to get the weapons right.
I played all three games start to finish and these are some of the things that I noticed 1# The sentinel beam was way too powerful in the close quarters that it is in. If you want to keep the Sentinel Beam I suggest moving it to a more open area, or maybe swap it with the Active Camo. Another spot you can move the beam to is where the shotty spawns near the crates(you could put it on top of them) and get rid of the shotty there. 2# I wasn't a big fan of the grav lifts. I felt like they didn't improve gameplay. 3# Weapons. The rocket, hammer, shotty(in the right base), Sniper and Overshield all had very good placement. I wasn't sure about the laser, I did't really get to use it. 4# Besides there being a lot of power weapons, the gameplay had a good pace. It was slow but seemed tactical. The ffa was superb, fast paced and fun. Its good to see you think about your map and want it to be perfect..
Thanks Jay. Very much. I really appreciate your input. Sentinel Beam may go in general. But what you suggested was nice, I'll really have to place it right if I want to place it at all. I was weriy about the grav lifts, but I didnt get a chance to try them out all too often. I'll try out different version and see how they work when gone. I felt that the shotties were a bit overpowered. I am considering changing them to maulers. But I liked having them there. Hammer worked like a dream IMO. The sniper and rocket, I'm a bit unsure about how close they are to each other. I wanted it to be like that, slow paced. But it only works with a decent sized party. 6 or more seems to work good.
well its great that your not posting a map that has rancid gameplay on it. to many maps nowadays are just that. and from what ive heard from Jay, the testing gameplay so far is quite descent, just a few small things that hinder it from perfection. but yes, wait and time will reward you. the name still makes me feel retarded.