Hey everyone, I have a question about how to control where the VIP will spawn. Chief wiggum 00, XX_Blivion and I were making a map yesterday and we fell into a problem; we need to have a VIP spawn in a certain spawn point but the thing is that it seems to be random, and if it is random than the idea will not work that we had in mind for the VIP to spawn in that certain spot every time. If you do not comprehend, here is a visual example of our problem: mg: The BLUE monitors are the normal players and the RED monitor is the VIP, we want it the be like that every single round, and we could not figure out a way to do that. Basically if anyone can tell us how to make it so that spawn point is always a VIP we will be ever grateful. Thanks in advance from all 3 of us. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THIS MONITOR CRY: .....:shiver:.....Whats next?
i don't think this can be done as the vip is chosen after the players spawn the way i got round it for one of my maps was to have the vip and team spawn in the same place as an explosion that kills all but the vip and the team respawn some where else if there is a better way you should post it not just talk about it on live,this question has come up before and would be useful for a lot of maps
i have an idea, but it will only work if you can make it so that your team does not spawn with a vip at first, but i dont think you can do that... the explosion thing will probably work though.
yea.. that is a good idea, make the vip have like a 5 second invinsibilty so everyone else dies.. or the other way around so only the vip dies but my idea was to make the vip have low gravity and float a teleporter so the humans could jump into the teleporter and the vip couldnt
i like XX_blivion's idea much better. i think that it could help a lot! i might use that later on lol
THIS IS AN AMAZING IDEA DAMN DUDE!!! Thank you very much +Rep for you. This fits what we are doing perfectly actually thank you very much Ezekeil. Much appreciated.
thanks i used it on vallhalla because i love non dlc but on a dlc map it would be very easy just set a respawn are set to spawn order 1 where you want the team to appear the map is pelican down if you want to check it out link in the sig you also might want to adjust the adv respawn setting to limit movement speed for 3 seconds or so if your starting points are not enclosed I can't wait to see the map pm me or invite me gt is same as username THIS IS NOT ADVERTISING I AM USING IT TO EXPLAIN MY ANSWER
Alright, we are probably going to work on it tonight so I will send you an invite when it is complete, I just going to ask Chief and Blivion if its okay with them aswell. I think this is the best map I have ever made, I just feel so like "OMG ITS AMAZING" naw what I mean? We might use Oblivions idea though, it depends what testers would say, I will post there soon.
they do, but they didnt specify the vip or not, but its fine, we got it done, and hopefully the map will be posted tomorrow