Hey guys, I saw on the new theme that the ranks kinda stood out. I took my rank and messed with the brightness. Just for fun. I got three different ones. What do ya think? On the site itself:
i still like the one we have now becasue it is good that it stands out. i dont like stuff blending into other stuff like the background
Third one appeals to the darkness, I agree with Funky. But make the text a little darker, it kinda makes a focal point just for the text, make it about 4 shades darker.
the darkest one isn't visible on Old School though, but i'm sure they can make it so that its the normal on old school and the dark one on the new one.
yea it should be possible to make different ranks for different skins.. but i like the newest and darkest one the best EDIT: i think you should try and make the rocket gray and not borwn
I dunno. I like what you did, but I don't think that the last one is really fit for the site. Don't take me wrong, it looks cool, but it might be too dark.
Contrasting colours looks great for certain things, and sometimes it doesn't. For this though, I think it doesn't need to be changed. The different coloured ones will also lose their 'jazz' and won't stand out.
Zomg, H4X0R! But I like the 3rd one, it's not a nooby white one. It's at least better so we all don't look nooby.
The second one was cool that would be a cool idea if you could change the colors of your rank like the color of the guns and background.