Download the map here. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download gametype here. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing And note, I'm new to this, so constructive criticism is appreciated. The idea behind Freezer Burn is simple. Humans have a ton of vehicles and weapons to choose from, while zombies are tough, fast, jump high, and hit hard. On the human side, the weapons to choose from consist of Carbines, Battle Rifles, 3 Spartan Lasers, 3 Rocket Launchers, 3 Fuel Rod Cannons, a Missile Pod, and 4 Sentinel Beams. All weapons (zombie and otherwise) contain infinite ammo. They vehicles consist of: Chopper x3 Ghost x3 Warthog x3 Prowler x3 Wraith x1 Scorpion x1 Hornet x1 (Yes, I know there are more vehicles here than there ever could be humans to fill them. The high number of vehicles is to ensure that humans don't have to argue and can take what they want, making strategy a key factor.) The Hornet is most definately your primary tool of desturction, as the zombies rockets and hammers will have a difficult time hitting it, and loading up the hornet with a couple lasers will certainly make you a powerful foe, but be cautious. Unlike all the other vehicles, if the hornet is destroyed, it will not respawn. Use it carefully. Oh, did I mention? The zombie scourge starts the game with %500 damage resistance, max speed, minimum gravity, %200 percent damage, a rocket launcher, and a gravity hammer. This way, the zombies are "tough as tanks" and will ensure that you use your vehicles to there fullest potential. Splattering the zombies is ill-advised.
You can't copy and paste pics from, I'm sorry to say. Open each picture up from the screenshot viewer into Microsoft Paint and save them. Upload them to an online photo site such as After doing so, copy the IMG code under the pics and paste them in this thread.
I'm guessing this is on Sandtrap, but yes you have to upload the pictures tp photobucket. I could do it for you if you'd like.
Need pics? Problem solved! Visit this link!
im guessing its on avalanche(FREEZER Burn) but it seems exactly like most sandtrap zombie games...except you gave the humans a hornet...however i cannot see the map so i am not sure
Any more posts referring the pictures, or it being not up to standards will be marked as spam as of this point. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes, this map is on Avalanche. As for the pic, I didn't know you couldn't direct link pictures from Bungie, and for some reason the picture is gone from my profile (?) on, so I'll have to make a new one if I can't get it back. Again, soz.
In my opinion, it sounds pretty cool and i like the idea of how its an infection gametype on avalanche. but you need at least 3 pictures to satisfy me. :/
I thought about it. It could you some pics of inside the base, but besides that there's pretty much sparse, openness. If you want action pics, I'd need some people to get action with, which I didn't know there was a map-testing forum until about 10 minutes ago, and know I'm about to set something up there. Thanks for the interest, though.