
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Weremidget, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Combustion Version 1.3 [FINAL version]
    This backyard explosives and incendiary facility was built by a gang of Meth' addicts. Max 4 players, Ball, Slayer, CTF. V1.3

    Foreword –PLZ RED- :
    As pathetic and lame as it sounds, Forging has been a pretty important part of my life at home since before the time of Foundry. I believe Combustion is my 8th published map, and for now, I think it’ll be my last. The creative process of Forging has been a lot of fun for me, thoughtfully designing and crafting, patiently building and tweaking, and then proudly publishing and displaying.

    But all good things come to an end. This shan’t be my last map, especially not if the highly speculated-upon ‘Sandbox’ is anything like people hopelessly wish for it to be, but it will be the last one that most of you see. After this is dead and buried (after I’ve replied to a couple comments with empty promises of closing that escape route you were so excited to find) I’ll keep designing and crafting, building and tweaking, but I don’t think publishing is really necessary any more.

    So yeah, the end of an era? Not really, I’ll still answer questions and happily give feedback, and I’ll still spend hours on the creations that in future I shall so selfishly keep to myself and my Friends List. I just don’t feel the need for big download counts and 5 star ratings any more. So thank-you, to anyone that ever downloaded one of my maps, or capitalized my alias and preceded it with an over-the-top compliment, or File Shared a video of themselves rolling Fusion Coils down to a low wall and suiciding over it during attempts to escape (you know who you are!) Forging has been fun, but this speech has been corny, and ends here.

    Oh geez, and I promised myself I wouldn’t cry…

    So I’m thinking, “Combustion! That’s a cool name for a map!” then I think, “It would have to have Firebombs and a Flamethrower!” and then, “And be asymmetric, because it’s more fun!” And then I said aloud, “Let there be Combustion…!”

    … And nothing happened, so I sat down and got to work.

    I hadn’t intended for this to be my last map when I began it, or I would have made it more epic, but ‘Hey Hey What Can I Do?’ It is kind of fitting, being a classic Weremidget-styled map. It’s enclosed, it has glitchy spawns, and it’s so much fun for casual 2v2s or small FFAs.

    Before you go to reply, if you do actually read this, please – I don’t want to hear if you’ve found an escape route, or if you think Firebombs and Flamethrowers suck and are gimmicky. And I’m not doing an MLG version because that would be silly. Thank-you, come again!

    There are two base-ish areas and two neutral areas which lean slightly in one side’s favour. The middle section features a merged open box for Halo-style Drunken Boxing, a flat Fence Wall platform and an Active Camo.

    The from the bridge skirting the middle a tunnel links to the Defender side, which connects on the other side via stairs and a merged bridge to the middle and adjoining lower neutral section. This section is pretty boring, a corner structure that took ages to merge and a fancy Fence Box roof. The opposite neutral section is at 1-Box height and features a fun wee Sign/Fence Wall barrier which people tend to dance back and forth around in little skirmishes, and also houses the Sniper Rifle. A couple teles used to link the two Neutral sections but they virtually halved the size of the map and that wasn’t cool.

    The other base links up around a corner down a hill at the other end of the middle section and has some neat little ideas that I kinda like. ‘Kawa-i!’ the Japanese would probably call them, because they call everything ‘Kawa-i!’…

    Here’s the traditional MS Paint Diagram:


    2x Battle Rifles [60 Second Respawn, 1 Spare Clip]
    2x Carbines [60 Second Respawn, 1 Spare Clip]
    2x Plasma Rifles [60 Second Respawn]
    1x Plasma Pistol [90 Second Respawn]
    1x Sniper Rifle [180 Second Respawn, 1 Spare Clip]
    1x Needler [60 Second Respawn, 1 Spare Clip]
    1x Flamethrower [150 Second Respawn]

    4x Plasma Grenade [45 Second Respawn]
    2x Frag Grenade [30 Second Respawn]
    2x Firebomb [60 Second Respawn]
    1x Bubble Shield [150 Second Respawn]
    1x Active Camo [180 Second Respawn]













    Wow that’s a lot of screenshots. Personal record much? I’m like Phelps but normal-looking (massive props to the guy, tbh). So, one last thanks. Thanks for reading this far and being a fan or whatever name you give to someone that appreciates someone else on the internet of all places. It’s been good.

    Thank-you, and may the Forge forever be with you.
    #1 Weremidget, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
    ryan r teh lol and Nobody Worthy like this.
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    Weremigdet you always create the best maps i dont know haw you dont have Premium
  3. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map, the stair and bridge idea is nice. I'll D/L for sure and check out the spawns. 5/5. The walls could be a little cleaner though. What I mean by that is better looking, they might already be smooth.
  4. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Weremidget, I'd like to personally thank you on behalf of the Forge community for being a role model to so many people, and for inspiring countless others. Your work and talent will be missed.

    Oh yeah, excellent map too!
  5. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It seems as though the weapons are very poorly merged though.

    Weapons? Merged...? Huh?
  6. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    truly awesome map, it's a shame that you won't b publishing anymore though
    ryan r teh lol likes this.
  7. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    The aesthetics of this map are mouthwatering..the bit with the overshield and fence wall is beautiful. Every wall, stairway, bridge, box, all interlocked and positioned so smoothly. This is one of the most amazing maps I've seen in terms of looks. I'll have to determine the gameplay later though.
    Great job.
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The interlocking, geomerging, and the layout are fantastic. The AB sign merge looks very precise, it looks one with the fenced wall. And the bridge geomerged into the grating looked sweet. I dunno, this map appealed to me right after I hit the third pic, that design just looks so cool. 5/5, and I hope this gets featured!
    ryan r teh lol likes this.
  9. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah, weremidget, I love your creations.
    Download for sure. I'll come back with some suggestions, if I'm not too tired.
  10. Solo

    Solo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like the stair/bridge combo. It's delicious. The overall layout of this map is excellent, too.

    DLing now... :)
  11. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Exactly. Also, the corner spawn time seems overpowering.
  12. Cheshter

    Cheshter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That doesn't even make sense.
    Anyways weremidget Fantasic map i love the look and the gameplay (had a few quick party games) and was extremely awe struck at how well this map was made and how it played out.

    Sad that your not gonna publish anymore of your maps though :(

    however i will be checking on your file share everynow and then for new maps lol

    again excellent map 5/5
  13. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice! Your maps should get featured, as they are all awesome. Interlocking is superb and the map layout is excellent. This looks fun for free for all. 5/5
  14. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Looks great from the pics (Argh don't judge maps on pics!) you have my D/L

    I really like the stairs with the bridge, that looks very smoothly interlocked and geo-merged (geo-locked?).

    The overall design layout looks interesting and fun, not too simple, not too cluttered.

    Shame to hear this will be your last public map, you seem to have very high quality maps.
  15. drak

    drak Ancient
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    I saw the video, and was surprised to see a red and blue spawn together....make sure to fix that in v2!....5/5 great map, and i wonder when a map with less amazing layout will come to play again....only thing is besides spawns, it that i dont like the dead end thing with the overshield powerup in the ground.....didnt quite like that
  16. Fly

    Fly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is pretty awesome. The bridge along with the stairs is a great touch. Nicely done on the wide variety of forging skills as well. I assume you will keep forging as it would be a shame to see a fellow with such potential leaving. Well done and keep forging.
  17. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
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    This is an incredible map. It is rare to find a good multi-room layout, well, judging from the pics anyways. Too bad about the spawning, I hate those problems. The coolest part (IDK why) is not the "bridge interlocked with the stairs," (as has been said multiple times) but the single box & barrier platform emerging from the top of the ramp/stairs. For some reason it looks awesome, plus it's nice that the ramp/stairs got a nice addition/aesthetic touch.
  18. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the flattering comments guys.

    Could anyone explain to me what that Sharpestt guy's on about? I don't know what Weapon Merging is, let alone how I did a poor job of it, nor what he means by the Corner Spawn Time...
  19. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Wait, when did you post this? Huh! I missed it! Ah! Well, to be honest, this doesn't look nearly as good as Atrium. :p But that's fine. It looks good like your others and I'll download for sure. Be sure to keep me updated on your maps to come because I always like your maps. :D

    btw, I love your description of this map. xD

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow it looks really cool. I love the aesthetics especially all those stairways that have bridges in-between. It looks like gameplay would be good but I cant really figure out the layout from the pics. The geomerging and interlocking are great and overall the map looks fantastic.

    there is one thing... can you escape HERE?

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