Okay I created this in about 20 minutes and I just tried some different effects with C4ds and other stuff. Please give me CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism and help making it better. Thanks! Here is a V.2. I added some lighting effects, made the render bigger, very noobishly added a lens flare (Behind the render for some more lighting effects (I think it looks good)) and I played with the blending options a little bit. I added a little color with a scatter brush and a overlay setting. My sister told me it needed more color so this is what happened. I messed around with filters for the background and I think it looks pretty good. I changed it so my name was not blending into the background and I got rid of the blue things and added a C4d since the pic didn't really go to the bottom so I wanted to cover it but I think this one turned out really good. This is my favorite so far and all I did was experiment with wisps and add some effects and this came out. Please tell me which one you like the best also.
hmm.... try mixing it up with some filters. also your text is samey to your current sig. and try to blend your render a little bit better
its like choppy and all this....what you need to do....like i mean the blue part....i see you used a fractal brush set white in the background....i dont think it goes very well to tell you the truth...
I have not done any CnC in a while so here I go: I would change it up by making the render bigger, and making sure the colours in the background appeal to the character in your signature, try using different ways to add text throughout other signatures, also add a light source and if there is no shadow on your character try creating a shadow to make the light source look good. For your next signature try using all defaults and see what you can whip up with some of the advice given, I hope my advice is useful (if I sounded harsh I am truly sorry), keep up your work though pal, you're going to be making some pro stuff if you learn that defaults are the best ^_^.
I didn't use any brushes in this except for creating the original layer for the screen which I motions blurred so you can't really call it brushing. And also I don't know what other filters to add since it already has quite a few. I think I am going to shadow the front of the render since I want the light source from behind the render.
Not much different. just darker. try using filters.... like blur and such. but not all together. on differet levels
start out with using only blur, sharpen, and render filters....you dont need any others yet, you can achieve them manually...you will learn MUCH more that way...all you need is a touch of creativity (i dont like the blue c4d in the front (at least i think its a c4d)) i hope you improve quickly (PS do you use photoshop?) PM me if you have any more questions!
thanks dude....im telling you to take out the blue V in the middle and the blue globs on the two sides...then, try and not mess around with filters as much, as its not the best way to truly learn i suggest going here HUGE list of Photoshop tools and resources - Lorelei Web Forum thats where i found the best resources, the best fonts, brushes, etc, and best of bests, best tutorials!
K I'll try that... I can't until tonight though since I gotta go to the renasiance festival. Also I tried the pen tool tut you gave me (Not the planet renders one) and when I tried to stroke the path only the anchor points got painted. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong.
I did... I tried about ten times because I wanted to add wisps to my sig on this thread. I created two new layers made the bottom one black. Created a path with the pathtool. Right clicked it and pressed stroke path. Then when I delete the path it only has the anchor points stroked.
The render is very blurry if I didn't know that was cloud I probably would have never guessed it. In fact the whole thing looks blurry, also it is to big for my taste the background has nothing to do with the render or anything in the sig. So for your next sig make sure the render is clear and easy to see and make sure the render and back ground match and blend together. Also you text is cut off bu the giant white blobs you added.
I think I found the final version so thanks for all the help. Other advice is appreciated though so don't let this post discourage you. Thanks for all the ideas that were put into this sig! Edit: I am making sigs in the Mr. Waffles Sig Shop.
Everyone is telling me to make it smaller but if I make it smaller it will probably look squished and not as good of quality. And I really don't feel like redoing it.
it couldn't hurt to try terrax. To do the wisps, you have to go to the brush tool and pick out a 3 px or so hard circle brush, then go back to the pen tool, and click that. Then mess around with layer styles and then delete the path. To be honest though, this sig is terrible. It just looks like a bunch of separate things put together, no unity or anything.