The Review Hub

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by G043R, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Yeah start this junk over again. I can see Vicious is viewing this thread prolly to defend his position, and thats fine, but for everyone else it would be a great idea to remove them. Don't forget about Driscoll and Blood Fire though, they pitch in.
  2. E93

    E93 Guest

    Were they in the last review session?
  3. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    ah, well if your going only have 8 members in the review hub, I'm assuming it will be 8 of the prior members, or 8 of the most involved people on the site?

    Ah, well ill just edit my post, If you guys need people for review hub, you could prob add me, I'm pretty active here, and I can get online a good amount of time.
    #143 Bloumbas, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    i think We shouldn't have a limit ...because its people.. there are times we can't show up and do something..Now i think the limit should be to have a profile full of friends on A xboxlive tag... thats the the moment...
  5. E93

    E93 Guest

    But a group with 99 members is bound to be confused, and half-inactive. And, that, to me, is really annoying.
    I agree that 8 is not to much though. Maybe we should have, like, 20, or something?
    I think it'd start getting confusing after we pass the 15 mark. But we would all have to be active for that to happen...
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Simply seeing people online you have a chance of getting them to help once and while..then not at all...

    I mean if you really want to have just a small core of Reviewers i can understand... I always was bothred by the list of inactive members... but I'll be able to purge them from the list.. I mean this forum is the key to keeping this Group together.. second is have people willing to help the review process... So having only 8 true reviewers is fine.. I mean if lets say we have 4 true reviewers and 50 random helpers... and say 2 of the 4 reviewers can't make it to a set up review night.. that review night isn't lost.. I say that better because We have helpers to fill in the gap.. thats why I say we have a live account as well a nall list.. People active are active.. we don't need to give them a list..(I do btw Thank all of you for helping I say it again) but I think having a list is kinda like saying the things you already see...

    Alright then... This is my point of view.. if you disagree its fine.. lets work out the idea...
  7. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well here is the thing. I think that maybe G043R and I can talk about whether the member should be accepted. I mean, this isn't that big of a deal. Come on. We will just start fresh and accept the few people who actually do hang around here. So ya. Maybe Bloumbas and Driscoll, Blood Fire. Oh but Shadow Viper doesn't really do anything. So yeah....
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    Much better.

    And I like the Review Hub GT idea, like I've already said, we just have to put it in action.
    I really don't care about having a list of members, but I think we should have the map list, at least. It makes it so much more organized! And then I don't have to keep searching the pages later when I make my Review looking for links, and such. Rite, sprite?
  9. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Wait, did you call me sprite? Cuz I know I have Yellow and Green in my sig sig but....?
  10. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    good to some ideas flowing, i saw my name mentioned a thew times, i have already aded yellow on xbox live and i don't mind keeping him, same goes to blood fire, The review hub accounts sounds great, it will make it easier for all of us.

    I agree with e93 here, having lots of reviewers can be a bad thing but also a good thing, there will bound to be a acceptable amount on but i feel this group is a very high ranked group, if you know what i mean.

    we don't want to accept any people because we are desperate, we will not sink that low and with my map finishing either tomorrow or the next day ill be open for an invite most of the time.

    Yes the way we are choosing maps to be reviewed is great, i love how there are maps to be reviewed and there's the maps one of the members have chosen to review, a good variety couldn't hurt.

    the answer to e93's question about where i was last session, i was in the middle of joining the rh, but im ready for any, also if im not on the list of the participants to play on the map ans someone doesn't show up don't be afraid to send me an invite and msg

    keep it up guys
    Bottlecap likes this.
  11. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    OK EVRERYONE! I have a solution! Ok, how about we just accept the occasional member who actually contributes likes Driscol because if you think about it we did just fine before with the 15 or so members we had, the only problem though was that people didn't keep up with their reviews. See? It isn't about how many people we have. We just need a dozen or so committed users, like me. Or you, and you and you and you!
  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    I agree 110% with that.

    Recently, this user named Marcus, or something, sent me a message saying he became a part of the RH, even though I never saw anyone say anything about letting him in. He says G04 let him, or something. Which I'm fine with, I don't hate Marcus. I just don't think we should start recruiting people that haven't been proved worthy.
    Which leads me to another question: When did G043R take over the Review Hub? How did that happen?
  13. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    im not sure when but what i do know is hes doing quite a good job, you might disagree and say we should do more reviews, well maybe with any other person the review could have crashed and burned but at the moment we are having discussions that will change the review hub for the better.

    The idea is great that people should prove their worthy because think of the review hub as a football team, there's not too many but they have enough, they have thier players and their subs. If the manager let anyone join, the team wouldn't be happy and they wouldn't win, do you see what im saying?

    so well done go34r :)
    and thanks for agreeing with me E
    keep it up guys
  14. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Alright.. I was asked By Matty to try and help Revamp the Review hub..
    as for Marcus or any one You are member By acting... not by inv... I mean I said yes your a member..but I need you to help... thats the bottom line... I don't need a member roll.. I don't need a rule book ..I need people to review ..have fun and work as a team doing it... being proved worthy comes with time... I mean simply the most experenced will have the ruling if a member is a bit of a jerk or w/e but simply say you can't get in because we dont know you is just as much a jerk as what ever...

    E93 and yellow would you like to talk to me about this further? I mean I haven't told you do listen to me..I just want this review hub working again..
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Are there only 2 more reviews that need adding to the archive?
  16. Markkus

    Markkus Ancient
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    Hmm. ;l

    Does anyone want to do a Review Session?
  17. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Yes... there a few pages back I'll PM You one sec
  18. E93

    E93 Guest

    Markus, there is no need to send PMs every time to check the thread.
    I always check my Subbed Threads.

    And how are we going to do a Review session, if only 3 members have maps already chosen to Review? Please, choose a map, and let's have some more people before we do another one of the Sessions.

    Where's Pegasi? Haven't seen him in a while. He should be here to pick a map, or sumthing...
  19. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Dude im not waiting. tonight or tommorrow im going to get a few of you guys together and some other non review hubbers and do Eclipse, which at the moment isnt looking as spectacular as most say
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Is that gonna be soon Yellow? I can come on now if you don't leave it long, or can make it tomorrow instead if you wana do it then.

    I can also pick up Warlot, looks like my kinda map and I'll get a game together and write the review. Whens the next time a good group of RH members will be able to get on? Or can I make a party under the 50% rule?

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