Well, I still suck at PS, so instead of making a bunch of different threads for my n00b attempts, I'm going to confine it to this one. Any help from more experienced d00ds would be helpful First sig in PS. That ones actually decent I was trying a clipping mask...it failed miserably :/ I don't really know where or how or why or what to do with a clipping mask.
yeah, I didn't ever think anyone would want my PSD's. Here's a second bauer sig. better, but it still sucks :[
oh k, well terrax do ya need the .psd? dizfunky, I hope you're not talking about the one with the crappy clipping mask
Yes, I am. It is crappy and should be taken off, but it's a nice style. Maybe take off the clipping mask and move the render towards the middle a little more. Add some text then, but make it good text. If it doesn't work, then just don't use it.
nah its not really nooby. you transitioned pretty well into PS. i hope i transition as well. but i'll probably still be as bad as me on gimp, but worse.
Hmm, I might try that. thanks. edit: nevermind, I accidentally deleted the psd. Dang it. and here's another crappy clipping mask sig
I like the 4th one you just posted.... Have you tried making a smudge siggy? Maybe try a tut to get the hang of it then go with it, thats what i did anyways.
Try making a clipping mask of something in a sig. Instead of putting a different image over the shape or text or splatter you want to mask, try applying the image and using part of the sig. Remember to hide your text or shape layer before you apply image or it will show up on the applied image. Then unhide the shape layer and press Ctrl+Alt+G when selecting the applied image layer. Move it somewhere you like, and there you have it.
All right, thanks for the comments. I tried smudging with the grouch sig, but it didn't work out too well. The second 24 sig was also an attempt, but it didn't work out too well
Have you tried getting a render and duplicating it, moving it around, smudging them, then creating the original render and placing it somewhere and smudging the edges... thats what i did and it had a nice outcome