Hey guys. This is my newest map. Scarface helped! [Description:] This map is asymmetrical and made for Team Slayer, Team Ball, Multi or One flag, Flag Rally, or Team king. There is an honor rule though. Please don't break out of the map! Its stupid and will get you booted or your party leaving. [Weapons:] 4 BR's at 30 seconds 2 Sentinels at 45 seconds 1 Sniper at 120 seconds 1 Splaser at 120 seconds and no 2 Shotguns at 60 seconds [Equipment:] Plasma and Spike Grenade x 4 at 10 seconds OverShield x 1 at 180 seconds Regenerator x 2 at 60 seconds Bubble Shield x 1 at 60 seconds [Vehicles:] Gauss Warthog x 2 at 120 seconds and no Banshee x 1 at 180 seconds and no [Tips:] * Grab overshield first to get the jump on the enemy * Use vehicles when in doubt, but don't get stuck! * Bring the sniper to your base in order for best defense * Sentinel beams can easily ping out snipers * There are numerous hiding spots. Use them! * Don't get out of the map!!! [Pictures:] This is the only map picture you need. DO NOT ASK FOR MORE! I will not put up anymore. There is nothing more to see. Overview BOOM Headshot YEAH! The sentinel beam is great for any range (and I mean ANY range) Assaulting me, the sniper Sorry Scar Ninja Flag Carrier Squad Easter Egg (Catapult) DOWNLOAD HERE
i like how this was made. the floating was done very well, im not sure burt it looks like there was interlocking. what happens if you fall is there a teleporter? and does the catapult work?
Everything is interlocked. It is a VERY smooth floor. I made sure of that. If you fall there are multiple ways to get up. There's 2 mancannons, and a grav lift > teleporter. The catapult is not part of the map. Its just something I made for fun. And yes, it works most of the time.
very cool im going to download this and check your word about it being smooth, i have no doubt your right though.
Everything does look clean and smoothly interlocked. This would be so much fun for oddball or CTF. Really nice job! 5/5 for being pretty original and the pictures look like they hold some fun game play!
i will give this a download, and good job with the floors, smoothness is important. also, sentinel beam! there arent many maps or games with them, but they are great weapons. great job. ps, may i suggest a barrier?, like a wall of duble boxes? you dont need them for the cliff side, but i guess that would be difficult to build. whatever though, good map.
This looks pretty cool for 1 - Sided Games!! 4.75/5. The only thing That I don't like is the banshee. Is there a spartan laser on the map? Other than that the map is pretty cool. I'm gonna Download it now.
If both of you would have read everything on this thread, you wouldn't need to ask those questions. Yes, there is a laser that spawns 60 seconds before the banshee so you can fight over it. And there are numerous ways to get up.
wow i think this is a really nice map but is it all blocked off cause you could just leave the map which is bad also can we have pics of the other respawn base
looks pretty cool, but unoriginal, althought it has a unique layout and a catupult, so I give it a 3.5/5
God do you people even look at the thread! The catapult isn't even part of the map how could the base the map off of it!
yay a map that remotaly reminds me of heat wave, whch is a good thing ill dl and try it but its good from what i can see from the pics so atleast 4/5
This looks like a very nicely built map. Question: did you build it in the area where there is a delayed death field? If you did then I would think It would be hard to get out of. This does look like a very nice map for the sentinel beam though. I bet you can have some serious fun with that. It is such a sweet weapon. Seriously a nice map though.