This is the newset version of my map. The weapons are still the same but the environment has had some changes. A. B walkway less sloppy B. Swords unobtainable C. Map inescapeable D. use spawn areas E. Other Minor Changes Weapon: #: Respawn: BR 8 10 Carbine 4 90 Mauler 1 120 FG 4 30 PG 8 30 Pictures: Defensive Spawn: Base 1: Offensive Spawn: Base 2: Western Hall: Easterm Halll: Mauler: Link to Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Wow v6... never seen that many updates on a map, but it looks good even though I have never seen your other versions.
I don't like the bases either, I don't see that much coverage. And what's with the open boxes and the two swords? 3/5, this map needs some innovation.
You still haven't fixed half of the stuff that was wrong with your other versions. 1- The bases are extremely open. Yes, you do have cover but its all the same level of height. It's not just that, the barriers can break easily and you need weapon holders on top to keep them stable. What I suggest is to put walls or double boxes or just something to provide more cover then barriers. 2- I can still get those swords. You did fix it so you can't get it from the middle, but I got it from the side towers in pictures 5 and 6. I did fluke a big turning jump, so this isn't a big issue. 3- There is a whole section in front of the bases that need some kind of cover from long distant shooting. With these fixes, this map has some potential.
very nice, at the beggining i wsa going to say "too open" but more pictures showed me otherwise. the interlocking and asthetics are exact.
Agreed in the beginning i was going to say it was to open but then I saw more pictures and it looked like it held some great game play from the pictures, really nice map and nice interlocking! 5/5!
Personally I think that the main bases need more variety, they look very bland at the moment. Also I think that it's still possible to get the swords if you buddy jump from the wall underneath.
You can see them.. I got up there and picked up the sword. But as I said, it was very hard and it shouldn't effect gameplay.
It's a nice map for what it is, but it's not something I enjoyed very much for MLG. I could picture a fast paced assault game on it though.